Thou Shalt Not Gloat

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Without question, the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade was one of the best days of my life. But, contrary to what the radical left believe, it does not end abortion. Now, abortion is decided at the state level. So basically, red states won’t allow abortion and blue states will allow abortion. A word of warning to my fellow conservatives. Thou shalt not gloat. It is an important win, but it is one step closer.

Red vs. Blue

Just recently, I posted about the Great Divide. The Great Divide is when red states form one country and blue states form another country. In my opinion, this is one more step toward that end. The funny thing is that it would be no different than today. The blue states will keep abortion just as it has been. No change.


God treasures humility

God treasures humility. And, God also treasures life. God was definitely behind the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Now, God wants us to be thankful. He does not want us to gloat.

Here is the thing about humility. While we stay humble, the Democrats look like absolute crazies. More importantly, the groups who are being violent and destructive look like absolute lunatics. They are so unhinged that they are saying some of the stupidest things I have ever heard. But, it is their right to say whatever they want. It is not their right to be violent and destructive. Unfortunately, the Biden administration is so juvenile they won’t stop the violence and destruction.


I had no idea there were so many murderers in our country. The reaction and the comments have been disturbing. People are actually passionate to retain the right to kill unborn children. To the nth degree. What happened to morality and God’s law? I think the Democrats would be much better off if they got some religion.

If you abandon your religion, you are going to abandon your morality. And if you abandon your morality, you are going to be a lost sheep. The good news is that we believe in forgiveness. You are welcome any time you want to get back in the fold with us.


Despite what the murderers want to believe, there is a heaven and a hell. The end of life is no different than the beginning of life. When we die, our souls go to heaven, hell or purgatory. When life begins, we have a soul. Death does not mean that we cease to exist. It means that our soul will be judged by God.

If you live a life without God and you are an accomplice to murder or even murder yourself, you will be judged as such. However, if you repent and reestablish God at the center of your life, you will be judged according to your actions.


This post may seem a little preachy. But, I care about people and I don’t want to see them align with the wrong morals. I shouldn’t even have to write this. It should be what every person believes and strives for. It’s not too late for people to realize the immorality of abortion and other societal issues. The overturn of Roe v. Wade can be a springboard for change.

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