Things That Should be in Every School

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Michigan Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel passes out at a football game

Michigan Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel recently said that drag queens should be in every school. Nessel is a lesbian who is best know for passing out drunk in the stands at the 2021 Michigan-Michigan State football game. I think the Democrats try to outdo each other with outlandish statements. Anyway, here are the things that should be in every school.


There should be a priest in every school. In fact, this should have been instituted long ago. The priest can teach proper values and respect for God. After the children see the drag queen, they can visit the priest to learn about Sodom and Gomorrah and true religious values. Our children can attend mass and learn to pray. This would also go a long way toward teaching children to love each other as God loves them. That is to love everybody regardless of skin color without division and hate. I love it! And I didn’t just pass out!


The radical left has removed all references to Christmas in our schools. I think we should have a nativity in every school. Then the children can sing true Christmas songs like Silent Night around the nativity. The priest (above) can have services and read from the Bible about the true meaning of Christmas. Just imagine if our children knew why we have Christmas. I love it! And I didn’t just pass out!


There should be at least one parent representative in every school. This fully paid position will be filled by a parent or parents. The parent will be at the school full time. The parent representative will report at school board meetings about curriculum and societal issues observed. If the children are being taught inappropriate curriculum or are being subjected to sexual grooming or inappropriate sex acts, the representative can alert other parents. I love it! And I didn’t just pass out!


In the aftermath of the Uvalde, Texas shooting, there should be appropriate security in every school. This includes security in the school and the local police. Doors should be locked, and STAY locked. There should be a paid capable security guard in every school. When a deranged individual says he plans to shoot up a school, that person should be institutionalized immediately. This is serious, so I won’t say I love it and I won’t say I didn’t pass out.

Family Planning

There should be a family planning counselor in every school to guide children about the sacredness of life and options should a child become pregnant. The counselor should teach a class to all students and be available for assistance. I love it! And, I didn’t pass out!

Pledge of Allegiance

The students should say the Pledge of Allegiance every day facing the AMERICAN flag. I’m just throwing in that they should say the “Our Father” before the pledge. Also, they should learn about a true American hero like George Washington every day. I love it! And, I didn’t pass out!


Thank you Dana Nessel for opening this discussion. I think we can compromise here. I’ll look the other way on your disingenuous, dumb idea about drag queens, and you institute my ideas. I’ll bet you were drunk when you spouted this garbage. My suggestion to you is repent and get religion or get the help of a good counselor. I have no idea how wretched people like you have the privilege to represent the people of this country. I don’t love it! And, I’m sure you’re passed out! There is no other explanation.

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