There Is No Republican Party

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Let’s get something straight right out of the box. There is no Democrat party. But sadly, there is no Republican party. There is one party now. That is the Globalist Elite party. And the supposed Republican and Democrat parties are beholden to that party. The losers are us. And they don’t care at all.

Pay Attention

Please take notice. The “new” Democrat party is so far left that some of their own have left the party. Sadly, some of these Democrats joined the Republican party. The “new” Republican party is even more devious. They still pretend to care about the people, but they stab us in the back constantly.

We voted the Republicans into the majority in the House of Representatives (and the Senate too, but for the cheating). They started off strong, and then it has slowed to a whimper. That’s because they are owned by the global elites. They are told what to do and they don’t dare rock the boat.

Tucker Carlson

While the Democrats dance in the streets because Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News, the Republicans shamelessly say and do nothing. Other than a very few well-wishers, no Republican has said a word about it. That’s because the global elites are behind Tucker’s dismissal, and the global elites threaten the Republicans if they acknowledge his dismissal. It’s quite pathetic when you don’t have a mind of your own. Just ask Joe Biden.

Ukraine Donations

Dan Crenshaw is the new Adam Kinzinger

The global elite want the United States to spend as much cash as possible for the war in Ukraine. They want to drain us dry. That will help them implement economic equity in America. They want us all to have the same amount of wealth (or lack of wealth). So, brainwashed idiots like Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham and Dan Crenshaw obey their masters and give away our cash and weapons.

We’re also donating (giving) our weapons to Ukraine. This is at the expense of depleting our own cache of weapons. The global elites love this because they want a new world order where the United States isn’t the leader of the free world anymore. The brainwashed idiots know this, but they must obey their masters.


I think we need to realize that elections don’t matter anymore. The Republicans watched the Democrats cheat in 2020 and 2022, and they have done nothing about it. And, they have no plans to do anything about it. That tells you everything you need to know.

Our vote does nothing. If we vote for a candidate we want, it doesn’t make a difference when the opposing candidate cheats.

The global elites want to tell us who wins. They want their candidates in office so they can continue their agenda. This is why they will do anything to stop President Trump. He isn’t owned by them (at least not now).


The fake-surrection on January 6, 2021, achieved these awful results:

  • Prevent gatherings of like-minded people
  • Prevent like-minded people from communicating with each other
  • Scare people by using the full force of the government to find and prosecute people

There have been good people in jail for years that did nothing violent. And, the Republican leaders say and do nothing. The global elites want obedience, and the Republicans are only too happy to give it to them. The Republicans moved on from January 6th because that’s what they were told to do.


I’m so glad to be an Independent. I’m certainly not a Democrat. And, I used to be a Republican. I guess it doesn’t matter since there is only one party now. As long as election cheating is permitted, my vote doesn’t matter anyway. The global elites have a grip on Washington, and we’re the losers. But, it’s critical that we know what’s going on and what’s coming.

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