The Useless Eater and the King

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As you know, I’m a big fan of Aesop’s fables. And, I’m not a big fan of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has a proposed caste system of the future in which many of us will be known as “useless eaters.” Of course, it’s a pipe dream that they’ll never get away with because they underestimate “useless eaters.” Here is a fable titled “The Useless Eater and the King.”

Useless Eater

Once upon a time, there was a useless eater who lived in a town far, far away. The useless eater loved to roam through the fields and orchards eating fruits and vegetables. Sometimes the useless eater would kill the fatted calf and feast on beef. The useless eater had a wonderful life in his far, far away.


One day, a King made his way into far, far away. He built a castle on the mountain and a bunch of caged in buildings in the field. The King had a lot of people working for him, and most of them stayed in the caged in buildings.


The useless eater was quite curious about the King and his caged in buildings. So, he decided to get a closer look. Of course, he was eating fruits and vegetables as he inched as close as he could. Just then, the King threw a net over the useless eater and started pulling him toward the castle. The useless eater asked why he did this and pled for him to release him.

The Chip

They reached to get the jab

When they got to the castle, the King brought him into a room and a nurse gave him a shot. The King released him and the useless eater went about his way. One day, the useless eater felt compelled to go to the caged in buildings. He entered room 209 and fell asleep on the floor.

When he woke up, he learned that he was locked in his room. The King came to his room and told him he would be provided with food as long as he did his assigned chores. He told him that they inserted a chip in him and that they can make him do whatever they want. He also told him that they know where he is at all times, so there is no escaping.


About a year later, the useless eater formed a small army with other useless eaters. They waited for their chance, then they ransacked the castle killing many of the King’s people. They cornered the King in a room and they gave him the same shot they were given. Then they pushed the King outside of the castle and told him to run.

The King ran as fast as he could. But, suddenly he clutched his chest and fell to the ground. He had a heart attack and died immediately.


The moral of this story is that the best way to fight back against the elites is to jab them with the “death jab.”

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