The United States in 2028

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I always used to wonder what the world would like in 2020. Now I know, and I don’t like it. But, let’s talk hypothetically about Biden returning to the White House after massive cheating in the upcoming election. If Biden returns, the United States in 2028 will look nothing like we can imagine.


There will not be any more homes to buy because the government and financial institutions will buy them up. People with paid off homes won’t sell because there is nowhere for them to go. There will be plenty of apartments and homes to rent. And, you will pay handsomely to live in them. But don’t fret, the government will allow you to house illegal aliens to get a rent rebate.

Houses will become like gold in a death estate. If you own a home that is paid off, it will be passed down in the family estate. Please realize that this is going to piss off the government and financial institutions. So, be prepared for some new law that allows the government to seize your paid off home.


Given four more years to gender groom our kids, there will be nearly 25% of children who are confused about their gender. And, about 15% of them will already be in transition. Suicide rates among kids will increase by 25% year over year. Many of the kids will be diagnosed as bipolar, anxious, depressed or ADD. So, many of them will be taking pharmaceuticals for their diagnosis.

Essentially, we will have a gender dysphoric, misdiagnosed and over-medicated group of kids. And, it will be too late to give them help by 2028.


Pete and Grace hid in the trunk of an old abandoned car in the woods

If Biden cheats in the election, then gas-powered cars will become obsolete to make way for electric vehicles. Gas-powered cars will be passed down to generations of family members. But to circumvent that, the government will stop supplying gasoline to service stations. So, you won’t have anywhere to get gas.

Electric vehicles will become like paper bags. For years, we were told that paper bags were bad for the environment. So, the grocery stores began using plastic bags. Now, we are being told that plastic bags are bad for the environment. So, many grocery stores stopped supplying plastic bags now. But, you can buy paper bags for five cents. Paper bags are safe again.

Brainwashing Camps

Conservatives will be rounded up and locked in brainwashing camps. They will suffer starvation and sensory deprivation. The conservatives will be deprived of any religious associations. They will be taught that abortion is good, America is bad, the Democrats should rule forever and homosexuality and transsexualism are perfectly normal. Even if the brainwashing is successful, no conservative will ever leave a camp.


There are many more examples. If Biden cheats his way in again, we have to seriously consider moving to another country. I know people will say that there isn’t another country that is better. That used to be true, but it isn’t anymore. Hungary is the new model of true democracy. I better get on babbel and start learning Hungarian.

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