The Trump Vaccine Dilemma

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President Trump has not made it official if he will run for President in 2024. If he does decide to run, he will face the Trump vaccine dilemma. Does he keep hanging on to the vaccine, or does he let it go now that the Democrats are using it as a weapon to exploit and damage people?

Operation Warp Speed

President Trump

Operation Warp Speed was a tremendous attempt by President Trump to get a vaccine developed in a short period of time. But, the pharmaceutical companies screwed him anyway. Rather than announce they had a vaccine before the election, they waited on the announcement until after the election. So, Trump and his team did all the work just so they could hand off the vaccine to illegitimate Biden and his merry band of idiots.

My point is that Trump seems to think it is so important to keep saying that he delivered the vaccine. But, I think it’s time to let that go. Your genuine best effort has been turned into a political weapon. And, your constituents are being harmed every day because of it. Trump has to decide what is more important. Do you want credit for the vaccine? Or do you want to try and help the people who support you and love you?


The federal government is buying aborted baby body parts for research

If you have read my posts, I’m a very big Trump supporter,. But, I find myself questioning some things about Trump and the vaccine. Why is he so hesitant to speak out about it’s dangers? We’re not going to hold you accountable. You’re not a scientist. Unfortunately, you relied on Fauci and big pharma to get it done. And, I’m sorry, but they failed. That’s on them. It’s not on you. It’s time to call them out for what they are.

For a president who was more pro-life than any other president in my lifetime, why isn’t Trump concerned or saying anything about the use of aborted fetal tissue in the vaccines? Is he unaware? Does he care? He needs to speak up about this because a lot of his constituents care a great deal about this. Again, this was not your fault.

The Rush

It was a valiant attempt for President Trump to try to get the vaccine developed in record time. And, let’s call a spade a spade, Trump wanted it before the election. But, they stole the election and big pharma actually used your vaccine as part of the steal. Stop covering for them and use this to your advantage. One good turn deserves another. Now, you can screw them back about the dangers of the vaccine and get under Biden’s skin by preaching freedom and choice. Everybody needs to stop saying “I’m not anti-vax” and “I got vaccinated.” That doesn’t matter. What matters is that there are Americans who aren’t interested in getting the vaccine. And, they deserve your support.


The vaccine is over President Trump. You did a great thing and the Biden administration has turned it on the American people. And, they used it against you. They’re all too happy to use you for their mandate push. Are you compromised? I would have a lot of trouble believing that, but I’ve seen some mighty strange things happen lately. Please don’t let it be true.

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