The Terrified Won The Day

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I’ve been taking a break from politics since the midterm elections. As I predicted and people reported, the same shenanigans from the 2020 election happened again. Shame on the Republicans for ignoring it for two years and allowing it to happen again. But, there’s another story here. The terrified won the day. And, they rewarded politicians for masking them, locking them down and forcing them to take a vaccine that is killing people.

The Terrified

I learned so much during coronavirus. There are a lot of people in the world who are terrified about getting a cold or the flu. They are so terrified that they will wear masks endlessly. And, they will stay in their houses endlessly. They’ll line up to get an untested vaccine. And, they’ll keep their kids home from school at the expense of their education.

I’ve never seen so many young people enjoying being told what to do by people who aren’t medical professionals. If a politician told them to cut off their right arm because it will prevent them from getting coronavirus, we would have a lot of young one-armed people. Disappointingly, courage is a thing of the past.


Dictator Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer and Kathy Hochul were two of the most tyrannical governors during coronavirus. Michigan rewarded Whitmer with another term and New York rewarded Hochul with another term. Why? Because the terrified love them for their bullying. The terrified love to be told what to do because they can’t think for themselves. That’s actually pretty prevalent among young people. They can be manipulated so easily.

The truth is that Whitmer and Hochul should be in jail. They are personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of senior citizens by moving coronavirus patients into their nursing homes. But, the terrified rewarded them for those decisions by voting them to another term. So, the terrified are fine with killing people as long as they don’t get a cold. How sad is that?


I’m going to be blunt here. People are ignorant and uninformed. I don’t know why anyone voted for Gretchen Whitmer. She’s a horrible governor. And, she was a horrible person during coronavirus. She wasn’t looking out for people during coronavirus. She was a power hungry tyrant who loved telling people what to do.

But, the terrified loved the abuse and wanted to reward her for it. It bothers me so much when people do stupid things. It bothers me more when people have no courage to stand up to tyranny. We wouldn’t have a country if our founding fathers didn’t stand up to the tyranny of England. I wonder what would have happened if George Washington was more worried about getting a cold than fighting the English.

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