The Sign of Peace is Over

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In the Catholic church, there is a part of the mass where the priest says, “Jesus said to his disciples, peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Then, the priest says, “Let us offer each other a sign of peace.” In the pre-coronavirus days, people would shake hands and even hug each other. However, the hand-shaking and hugs are gone. The sign of peace is over. And, I don’t think it’s coming back.


The sign of peace has its liturgical and spiritual roots in Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness prior to offering gifts on the altar (Matthew 5:23-24). That is, if someone had a grievance against his brother, he should first “be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”

As Christian worship evolved, the gesture of a “kiss of peace” was a way to unite the community gathered in love and reconciliation. Without being at peace, the community and its members could not fully reflect or live the peace and love of Christ in Eucharist.

Social Experiment

Catholics used to shake hands at the sign of peace during mass

Now, parishioners wave and nod to each other. I’m not saying I have a huge problem with that, but I miss the old way. So, I decided to conduct a social experiment. I offer my hand for a handshake. In the past couple of months, one person shook my hand. Most people either pretend they don’t see it or look at it and ignore it. It’s a little bit awkward, but interesting.

Watching the others in church, nobody shakes hands anymore. Except in direct families. It saddens me because people are scared of each other. That’s exactly what the Democrats and the global elites want. I’ll never understand why people give them exactly what they want. But, I’m sure it’s because people have no idea. They don’t do any research and they’re lazy. They’re going to be awfully surprised when it’s too late.

Your Assignment

I’m giving you an assignment. Love your neighbor as Jesus loves you. Stop aiding and abetting people who want you to be distant from your neighbors. Have your own mind. Don’t be controlled. Be brave. And, shake your neighbor’s hand in defiance of tyranny. It might be a little thing, but a fire starts with a spark.

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