The Relentless Pursuit of Truth

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Americans should immediately turn to truthful media like Fox News, Newsmax and Buzzfeed. They are the only true journalists and reporters seeking the relentless pursuit of truth in the world. The Arizona state legislature, Mike Lindell, Rand Paul, Project Veritas and Judicial Watch care about the truth.

Give up on the compromised mainstream media and unwatched cable news outlets like CNN and MSNBC. And, give up on the Biden administration and the compromised bureaucrat departments like the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Give up on big tech. They don’t pursue truth. In fact, they manipulate the truth. Try searching for “Fauci emails” in Google. The first page of results contains links to the “puff” pieces by the media that overlook the truth and turn the lies into a bizarre coronation of King Fauci.

As you read this post, I want you to think about one important thing. The deafening silence of the Democrats. Do you think they care about you?

You Should Care About King Fauci’s Emails

Almighty Doctor Fauci

It’s over King Fauci. You’ve been exposed by your own emails for the complete fraud you’ve been since the beginning of the pandemic. You are devoid of truth. It turns out you’ve been telling us lies for over a year. Buzzfeed relentlessly pursued the truth, and you got stuck with your hand in the cookie jar.

First, blood is on your hands. You are complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. That makes you the most prolific serial killer in our nation’s history by a lot. More carnage than 9/11 and 1/6 (one Trump supporter shot dead for no reason).

Second, you stripped us of our unalienable rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) based on lies. You probably don’t know about those because your science ignores them. For your benefit, they are in our Declaration of Independence. These rights were given to all humans by our Creator, which governments are created to protect. You think you are our Creator. But, you’re just the opposite.

You Should Care About Media Spin

Some people are totally stupid. If you’re still reading the New York Times or Washington Post, then you have the intelligence of a common housefly. If you’re still watching CNN, MSNBC or PBS, then you need an MRI because something is wrong with your brain.

The King Fauci emails are pretty straightforward and very damning. But, these news outlets ignore the blatant truth that he lied to us (including them) and killed Americans as a result. Instead, they report that the emails show how King Fauci performed bravely in a difficult time. What stupid people are buying this garbage? Is it you Biden voters? Wake the hell up! You were misled time and again by a pathological liar.

You Should Care About King Fauci’s Lack of Proof

Senator Rand Paul has become a champion of the people

Senator Rand Paul isn’t perfect. But, none of our representatives in Washington D.C. are perfect. However, he is relentlessly pursuing the truth about how King Fauci handled the coronavirus pandemic, including the origin of the virus.

Rand Paul was a doctor before becoming a Senator, and you can see that it makes King Fauci extremely uncomfortable when testifying before the Senate. King Fauci can’t use a bunch of big words and misleading medical information when Senator Paul is asking him questions.

Unless you are from another planet, King Fauci’s agitated responses to Senator Paul should concern you. Every time I have seen King Fauci asked to cite supporting data or a study about his coronavirus decisions, he never does. And, that’s because he has none. And that should be worrisome to all of us.

You Should Care About Media Lies

Senator Tom Cotton was on to the origins of coronavirus a year ago

A little over a year ago, Senator Tom Cotton stated that the coronavirus was engineered in a lab in Wuhan, China. The Washington Post and other liberal media outlets disparaged him, saying that he is spreading conspiracy theories.

Through King Fauci’s emails, we just learned that Senator Cotton was right. A year later, the Washington Post retroactively changed their story to remove references to a conspiracy theory, proving their irresponsible, dishonest journalism.

So many Americans claim to be patriots by wearing their masks in the name of protecting others. But, don’t you care that if Senator Cotton wasn’t disparaged by the media, we could have known where the virus started and how it started. Then, we could have prevented the deaths of thousands of our fellow Americans. Do you understand this? Or, are you so blind that you really don’t care about protecting others?

You Should Care About Your Vote

election fraud

After years of complaining about voting integrity, the Democrats and the mainstream media have gone silent. It is no longer beneficial to them to pursue the truth regarding our elections because they manipulated the 2020 presidential election for their desired outcome.

The truth is that Russia, China, Iran and others hacked into our poorly secured election machines from Dominion and Smartmatic to influence our election. That means that all of our votes were meaningless. We didn’t elect our President. Foreign hackers did. And, we should all be concerned about this!

The Arizona state legislature is working tirelessly to audit their election results to protect our votes. And, Mike Lindell is bravely pursuing the truth about foreign election interference to protect our votes. We should be thankful for their truth-seeking efforts.

You Should Care About the Border

Fentanyl is being smuggled across our southern border in record amounts

If you’re only watching the mainstream media and reading the liberal newspapers, you probably have no idea about the crisis at the border. And, you’re certainly not getting any information from the Biden administration about it.

Foreigners are flooding our southern border to enter our country illegally. It is not just Latin Americans. There is proof that terrorists from other countries are using the lax border policy to enter our country too. Drug cartels are flooding our country with fentanyl. Human traffickers are thriving. Illegal children are living on top of each other in cages. And, crime is on the rise.

This is a humanitarian crisis, and it is largely ignored. Not a single person from the Biden administration or the mainstream media has gone to the border to check it out. But, a contingent of Senators went to the border and returned with videos. You’ve likely never seen those videos.

Everybody cares about Pride month and Black Lives Matter. But, you have no idea about the atrocities at our border. The truth is being hidden from you. You wear your mask to protect others, but you don’t care about fentanyl deaths and human trafficking.

You Should Care About Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden's laptop contained photos of him doing drugs

I’ll bet a lot of people have no idea about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. He left his laptop at a computer shop. When the store owner looked at the hard drive to see who the laptop belonged to, he found a plethora of questionable information. The store owner found documents about Ukraine deals, China deals and Russia deals. Hunter Biden was using his Vice President father’s influence to make money for himself and his father.

One of Hunter Biden’s business associates went on the Tucker Carlson show to confirm the shady deals. He provided a ton of supporting documents. When a Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Hunter’s shady dealings, then-Vice President Biden withheld financial aid to Ukraine until the prosecutor was fired. Biden said, “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Do you know about this? Does this concern you at all? Or, is it acceptable for Biden and his son to profit off his stature? The mainstream media ignores this, and big tech censors it. What are they hiding from us?


How can Americans continue to be led by lies and hidden truths? When will you care about the truth? The election is over and the Democrats cheated to get Trump out of office. Will you ever move on?

You need to open your eyes now and hold the Biden administration, mainstream media and big tech accountable for telling us lies and harming our country. Or, don’t you care?

It’s time to let go of Trump and open your eyes. Damage is being done at an alarming pace. And, you need to relentlessly pursue the truth now more than ever. We need to unite for the good of our country. Are you in?

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1 Response

  1. I’m in! I’ve been in since the beginning and believe the truth will prevail and justice will be served.