The Real Threat to Democracy

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Remember when the mainstream media was fair. They didn’t pick sides, and they reported on both liberal and conservative views without bias. What happened to those days? Now, they are state-run propaganda for the Democrat party. The mainstream media is the real threat to democracy.


The mainstream media changed around 2015. That, of course, is when President Trump was running for president in 2016. They decided (were told) to hate Trump and the Republicans. So, instead of giving equal airtime to both candidates, they pandered to the Democrats and set out to destroy the Republicans.

They covered up Democrat warts and played up Republican warts. Lying became the norm, even when they knew they were lying. When it came to Republicans, they vetted nothing. They just published or reported on the lie. And, when they got called out, they didn’t even correct it or apologize.

The aim of the media is to maintain one-party rule at any cost. The Democrats could decide to shut down all media, and they would say it’s the best thing that ever happened. On the flip-side, Trump could say he plans to give the media 50% raises. And, they would find a way to turn that into a negative.


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It is a wonder Republicans can win any elections. Because of the biased mainstream media, the Republicans always have one hand tied behind their back. It’s extremely difficult to get your message out when the mainstream media won’t report on it or twists it into a lie. President Trump has found creative ways to overcome this obstacle, but just imagine if the mainstream media covered him fairly.

The mainstream media can and does influence our elections. In fact, they influence everything about us. Just look at the coronavirus coverage. There is no such thing as fact checkers. And, there is no such thing as credible sources. They write or say whatever they want, whether it’s true or not true.


So, the real threat to democracy is the mainstream media. They can make or break a political candidate. And, the Republicans have an uphill battle because they get no coverage or negative coverage. It is time for the mainstream media to be overhauled. Our country cannot sustain biased and false news coverage. Having options is critical to a democracy. And, “may the best person win” be the rule for all elections.

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