The Real Suckers and Losers

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The Democrats have long claimed that President Trump called fallen American soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” It has long since been debunked. Trump would never, ever disrespect our military in such a way. But, let’s change the subject. Who are the real suckers and losers? That would be the Democrat voters.


Your party just pulled the switcheroo. The majority of you voted for Biden in the primaries. Now, they pushed him out and they will tell you who is your candidate. You don’t get to participate in the decision. For all you who claim that Republicans are a threat to democracy, who is the threat to democracy now? In a democracy, the people decide. Not a bunch of party elites in a back room.

All of your votes just got tossed. And, you don’t get to vote on the new candidate. You just have to accept it and keep your mouth shut. And, knowing most of you, you’ll go along with it quietly. Just like you wore your masks and got your vaccines. You love it when the government tells you what to do. Because none of you actually think for yourself or challenge any lie they tell you. You are a bunch of suckers and losers.


This election won’t have voting rules changed due to coronavirus. This time, the Democrats will change their candidate 100 days from the election. I’ve come to the conclusion that Democrats can’t win an election fair and square anymore. They have to find a way to change things just before the election. This change is just another form of election meddling.

Let’s say I was taking a math test. At 15 minutes before I have to turn in my paper, I decide to drop out and bring in a math genius to finish. Is that fair? I better make this distinction though. Kamala is not a genius in any way, shape or form. She’s just the opposite.

Bringing in Kamala is designed to get the polling closer so the Democrats don’t have to manufacture as many votes to cheat and win. And, it’s because of suckers and losers like you that this might work. Again, you’ll do whatever they tell you.


Kamala Harris Nervous Laugh

My last word to the suckers and losers. Kamala will be a worse president than Biden is. And, she can’t even blame it on dementia. She’s just so unintelligent. We just went through 3 1/2 years of a president who wasn’t a president. Kamala would be four more years of worse. Our country and it’s people can’t handle that. It would be misery on a level we have never known. Voting for Kamala is like voting to have your appendix removed with a blunt pencil.


Don’t be a sucker and a loser. For once, stand up for true democracy and demand that the people decide who your candidate should be. Don’t let them tell you. You tell them. Get a backbone and speak up. You have already let them take away your freedom during coronavirus. If you allow this to happen, you might as well become a bunch of slaves.

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