The People Who Make Me Happy

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We’ve fallen on some dark times in our country thanks to the left and their axis of evil. But, I want to reflect on the people who make me happy. I need a lift. Especially because the left wants us to be miserable.

President Trump

President Trump

For those of you who didn’t see him or hear him calling the Holyfield boxing match, he is one of a kind. Mixing his amazing knowledge of boxing with a political dig here and there, he was hilarious. I’m so glad he maintains his sense of humor despite a stolen election and the demise of our country. When I listen to him, I can’t figure out why people don’t like him. He’s honest, sincere and funny. Oh well, I sure do like him, and I always have. #TrumpWon

Governor Ron DeSantis

He will definitely be the president one day. Some of the things he says are funny too. His delivery is a little drier than Trump, but he makes me laugh. Remember (to Biden) “I don’t want to hear a blip about Covid from you.” Biden throws him a curveball, and DeSantis hits it out of the park. Biden should get out of this game because he will never beat DeSantis. Biden mandates masks in school, and DeSantis makes a law to make it the parent’s choice. He befuddles Biden every step of the way. And, that gives me great joy. #BeMyGovernor

Governor Greg Abbott

Abbott is another thorn in Biden’s side. He’s not quite as outspoken, but he does things behind the scenes that give Biden fits. I just read that he awarded a contract to build 700 miles of wall on the Texas border. That’s amazing. He threatened the arrest of the idiot Democrats in the Texas house who went on a mini vacation. And, they lost that one big time. Like DeSantis, Abbott truly cares about the people in Texas. Everything he does has their best interest at heart. And, he’s very soft-spoken and pleasant when he’s interviewed. I like him a lot. #BuildTheWall

Steve Bannon

If you never watched or listened to Bannon’s War Room, I highly recommend it. He tackles issues like “3 November,” coronavirus and Afghanistan. But, there’s something different about it. He has expert guests that tell it like it is. And, he does a super job of moderating the discussions. Sometimes he asks hard questions, but his guests are so solid that they field them perfectly. I think the thing that makes him different is that he refrains from attacking other media outlets. At least, most of the time. I really enjoy watching his segments on Rumble. #BetterThanFox

Senator Ted Cruz

Every time the left does something crazy, I always see a clip of Ted Cruz speaking on the Senate floor and ripping it apart. This guy is crazy smart. And, his social media responses are hilarious. I think the left has given up posting stuff about him because they don’t want to get humiliated. At least Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez learned that lesson. I really feel like he represents my interests in the Senate. And you never see him go off the deep end like Lindsey Graham. I like him. #CruzRepresents

Senator Rand Paul

Anyone who can make King Fauci squirm is someone I like. Fauci met his match with Paul. If you watched their latest confrontation, Fauci was shaking. And, I was laughing. Fauci is a fraud, and Paul brings it out every time they tussle. Most importantly, Paul caught Fauci lying to Congress and has sent a criminal inquiry to the Department of Justice. Even if nothing comes of it, Fauci hasn’t been quite the loud mouth since. Paul beats him up every time and it gives me great pleasure. I think Paul gets pleasure from it too. #FauciLies

Representative Jim Jordan

Jordan is so passionate about everything, and he’s not afraid to let you know. He seems like the nicest guy when he is interviewed. I think he would be fun to drink a beer with and talk to. He makes me laugh when he presents facts in the house. On the border, he says “In May, we had a record for border crossings. Until June. Then June had a record. Until July. Then July had a record.” He means what he says, but I love the delivery. He’s another one who kills it on social media. Jordan has a bright future and I’m glad he represents me in the house. #PinThem

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of my favorite representatives

She has earned every bit of the love I have for her. Greene seems so soft-spoken when interviewed, but she packs a punch. She hasn’t been able to make a lot of headway because Pelosi knee-capped her. But, she is a fly in the nose of an elephant when it comes to Pelosi. She has turned the tables on Pelosi removing her from committee assignments, and she’s using her free time to chip away at Pelosi every chance she gets. The biggest reason I love her is because she sincerely cares about our country and she always works to do what is right. We need more like her in the house. #ShesAPeach (pun intended)

Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard is the only Democrat left who hasn’t completely lost her mind. But, she’s very, very wise. I honestly believe she could primary Biden in 2024 and beat him. Biden is helping her out every day. If the Democrat base continues to move away from Biden, she could be a more moderate candidate. And, she could be the type of person who could unite the country. For now, I love her because she tells the truth. And, that drives the liberal left absolutely bonkers. I just enjoy watching it. #PrimaryBiden

Candace Owens

Candace Owens is a strong and beautiful voice for conservatives

The left hates her because she is a savvy, intelligent black woman who calls them out as exactly what they are. The real racists in this country. Owens calls out the liberals on almost everything, and I love watching them squirm. The amazing thing is that she has backing for everything she says. The left believes they have every black person in their corner, so they are perplexed when Owens doesn’t blindly follow them. I don’t think Owens says something that she can’t back up with facts. When I watch her videos or see her social media posts, I’m all smiles. #BeYourself


That was fun! Some honorable mentions include Donald Trump Jr. (obvious reasons), Governor Tom Wolf (just kidding!), and Larry Elder (Newsom is deathly afraid of him, and I love it).

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