The Mental Age of Republicans

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I seriously can’t believe my eyes and ears. Did Mitch McConnell really just call the current Republican Senate candidates “low quality?” What is the mental age of Republicans? Five years old? Six years old? Am I to believe it is more important to McConnell to stick it to President Trump than to save America from the mess it is in? That tells me one thing. These whiny childish Republicans all need to go. Now!

The Tactician

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell has been called a smart tactician in Congress. But, he can retire that moniker. President Trump is exposing him as the fraud he is. I think that makes President Trump the tactician.

President Trump has challenged McConnell time and again. Granted President Trump has a unique way of getting his point across, but McConnell doesn’t listen. He gets caught up in everything but the criticism. Then he doesn’t do anything or makes our life worse. That’s right. He tries to get back at Trump by hurting us. Does that sound like an adult to you?

Just to clear something up. If McConnell would work with President Trump and represent Americans, Trump wouldn’t be disrespectful to McConnell. McConnell started the fight.

Mike Pence

Dear Vice President Pence. President Trump didn’t put you in the position you’re in today. You did. You betrayed me and all of my fellow Republicans on January 6, 2021. We weren’t asking you to overturn the election results. We just wanted you to return the results to the states for further validation before certifying the results.

You are a level headed and smart person, which is why I don’t understand what you did. Now I just read that you offered to testify before the January 6th Committee. What are you doing sir? Are you just another McConnell? Do you want to harm President Trump because you can’t beat him at the ballot box? That sounds eerily like another political party’s motivation.

Old Guard

This is a playground full of children. Bush, Cheney, McCain and others that used to be all important in the Republican party. They all despise President Trump, so they constantly harm us to get back at him. They back Democrats in elections and provide money to help beat Trump-backed candidates.

I have an idea for this sick group. Why don’t you stay out of it altogether. Your days have long passed, and I would like if you didn’t harm me in your vendetta. Go throw an egg at Mar-a-lago to get out your anger. Direct your childish response to the person and not the people. I have no respect for people like you.

Unite the Clans

I have a unique idea. Why don’t we put aside the childish behavior and unite the clans. Just imagine what the Republicans could do if they came together. Let’s set aside our petty differences and win some elections. A red wave in November appears to be losing steam. The Democrats have destroyed our country and hurt all of us the entire time. But some in the Republican party want to make a point instead of helping us.

But, uniting the clans isn’t going to happen, is it? Egos will get in the way. And, the Democrats know exactly how to exploit this weakness in their favor. Unite in the interest of the party and the country. If you don’t, we will have two more years of Democrat disasters. If the vengeful Republicans can sit down with Trump and have an adult dialogue with him, that could be a good starting point. Something has to give, or we won’t win another election for a long time. And, that will be on the childish Republicans.


My conclusion is pretty simple. The Republicans need to act like adults and work toward the common cause of winning elections. Don’t sabotage the midterms because you don’t like Trump and his candidates. Go after Trump in 2024 if he runs. Most importantly, don’t harm me because you want to get back at Trump. That’s childish and unfair.

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