The Many Faces of Joe Biden

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Joe Biden is a very weird person. He smells the hair of girls and he whispers into a microphone. But, I’ve been noticing the many faces of Joe Biden. And it leads me to believe he has multiple personality disorder. Or he’s just plain senile and out to pasture. Either way, it is very unnerving.

Whisper Guy

Joe Biden has a weird habit of whispering during his speeches

This one creeps me out the most. During an address, Biden leans down close to the microphone and weirdly whispers into the microphone. If any of you remember the television series “The Middle”, the family had a son named Brick who would look down and repeat something he said in a whisper. It was funny, but it was creepy.

I don’t buy any of the arguments the mainstream media makes that this is intentional behavior to connect with the people. And that it makes him more likable. This face of Biden is just downright creepy and it gives me nightmares. What if we were to get into a conflict and he leaned down and whispered into the microphone “We’re coming to get you.”? How would that be perceived by the world?

Child Guy

Joe Biden likes to smell the hair of little girls

I take back what I said above. This creeps me out the most. Biden has a long history of smelling the hair of girls. He also has a long history of touching girls. Biden is obsessed with ice cream, and he uses it to connive little girls. I don’t see how that is any different than a child molester asking a little girl if she wants a piece of candy to trick her to go with him.

This face of Biden is scary and it gives me nightmares too. These behaviors prove that Biden has all the characteristics of a child predator. If I had small children, especially girls, I wouldn’t allow them within one hundred yards of this guy.

Further concern came out recently when he was sick during an appearance. When asked about his condition, he professed that he caught a cold from his grandson who “likes to kiss his pop.” If your grandson is sick, don’t let him kiss you. But, maybe you can’t stop.

Lost Guy

Sometimes Biden retreats into some other place. During a speech, he’ll stop and stare up for a period of time. Or, when his wife is speaking, he walks away as if in a daze. How about when he walked through the White House lawn instead of staying on the sidewalk?

If you have watched any video of Biden at foreign meetings, he is either sleeping or he is wandering around. In fact, he was sleeping during a one on one meeting in Israel. It’s embarrassing to me that our illegitimate president is lost and confused. Our position as a leader in the world is taking a huge hit.

Angry Guy

We all know angry guy. Biden can’t handle any type of confrontation without resorting to anger. He said he is losing his patience with unvaccinated people. He challenged a potential voter to a push up contest. When asked about paying illegal aliens a half million dollars, he pounded his fist and said the illegals lost their child and deserved compensation. Biden called a woman a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” at a Town Hall.

And there are many more examples of angry guy. A president needs to keep his composure. Biden shows weakness when he lashes out. And it reinforces the belief that he can’t handle the job.

Ice Cream Guy

The only thing Joe Biden can do right is eat ice cream

And finally, there’s ice cream guy. Biden seems to be at his best when he’s chowing down on a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone. It appears to calm him. All he has to focus on is that ice cream. There is no confrontation and no hard problems to screw up.

I say give this guy a steady stream of ice cream cones. Let him have one when he speaks and let him have one when he travels abroad. Make sure he gets a double mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone before he decides to pull troops out of a terrorist country. And give him a triple buttered pecan to retire to the Ice Cream Capital of the World Visitor Center in Iowa where he can build his illegitimate presidential library highlighting more failures in one year than any president in the history of America.

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