The Jailing of Brandon McMurty

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American patriot Brandon was arrested for being at the January 6 demonstration

Brandon McMurty, his wife and his four year old son awoke at 6am to the sound of pounding on his door and yelling. He got out of bed and made his way to the door. Just before he got to the door, it was kicked in by the FBI. Four agents surrounded Brandon with guns pointed at him. He started to ask what was going on, but they cut him off and told him he was under arrest and they handcuffed him. His wife and son were crying, and his son asked why they were hurting his daddy. This is the story of the jailing of Brandon McMurty.

This is a fictional story, but I hope it raises awareness for our fellow patriots being held as political prisoners under the guise of January 6th. My prayers are with them always.


The FBI took Brandon to a federal prison in Washington, D.C. and stuck him in solitary confinement. He kept asking why he was being arrested, but got no response. The FBI and the prison personnel treated him like a serial killer. He was pushed, hit, pulled by his hair and subjected to multiple naked body searches.

Brandon could overhear them talking to each other. They said things like, “Yeah. He’s one of them.” and “He goes in the MAGA hole.” and “Pro Trump. Get Lump.”.

Day One

Brandon thought “How long have I been here?” It was dark in his prison cell and he had no way to see outside. He wondered if it had been more than a day. He wondered how his wife and son were doing. And, he wondered why he was arrested. Those FBI agents sure seemed angry. He sat there thinking about a variety of different things for what seemed like hours.

Then, he heard his cell door open and a prison guard told him he could go to the gym and exercise for an hour. When he returned to his cell, he was given a small meal. This was his first meal since he was arrested, so he was quite hungry.

Day Five

Brandon was in solitary confinement with a row of others

After five days, Brandon was sore, hungry and delirious from being in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. His cell door was opened and two men took him to a small enclosed room with a table and three chairs. He sat on one side of the table and the two men sat on the other side of the table.

One of the men asked him if he knew why he was there. He said, “I have no idea.” Then, the other man threw down a photo of him in the crowd outside of the Capitol building on January 6th. He asked Brandon, “Is that you?” Brandon said, “Yes.” The man said, “That’s called treason, and it is punishable by death.” Brandon said, “I was just standing there praying with my group. Nothing more.”

Then, one of the men slapped him in the face. He said, “You betrayed your nation. You are a white supremacist and a domestic terrorist. Now, you tell me what you are.” Brandon didn’t speak. The man slapped him again and they returned him to his cell.

Day Six

All Brandon could think about was the confrontation with the two men the day before. He was very confused. He heard his cell door open and two guards took him to that same small enclosed room. But, this time there was no table and chairs. They handcuffed him and closed the door.

One of the guards punched him in the stomach and asked him who he is. Brandon didn’t say anything. Then, the other guard punched him in the face and asked him who he is. They continued this for almost fifteen minutes. Brandon’s mouth and nose were bleeding and he felt like his ribs were burning. His left eye was so swollen, he couldn’t see out of it.

He was returned to his cell and the guards told him they would be back and he better know who he is when they do.

Day Twelve

The prison guard opened the cell door to get Brandon

Brandon had some time to heal from the beating he took. But, he was still sore. He tried to think about the guards’ question about who he is, but he couldn’t think of anything.

Once again, his cell door opened, and the same two guards took him back to the small enclosed room. The table and chairs were back, and they sat him at the table handcuffed. A guard led him to a barrel of water and asked him who he is. Brandon said, “I don’t know what you’re asking me.” Then the guard pushed his head into the water and held it for almost a minute.

The guard asked again, “Who are you?” Brandon yelled, “Brandon McMurty.” Then, the guard pushed his head back into the water for more than a minute. When he pulled Brandon’s head out, he asked “Who are you?” Choking and gasping for air, Brandon said “Trump won. And, he’ll make America great again. I’m a true patriot. Unlike you.”

The guard sneered at him and dunked his head until he needed CPR to revive him. Then, he was returned to his cell.

Day Twenty

The man in the white coat sent electric shock through Brandon's brain

It was before dawn when the guards woke up Brandon and led him down a long hall. They opened a door and pushed him in. It looked like some kind of laboratory. They strapped him to a table and a man in a white coat rolled some kind of machine next to the table. The man spread something on Brandon’s temples and then he attached electrodes to each temple. Brandon yelled for help.

The man turned some dials and switched the machine on. A flood of electricity shot through Brandon’s head as his entire body jerked. He switched the machine off after a few minutes and asked Brandon who he is. Brandon wearily said, “I’m a patriot. Not a Marxist like you. I’m a child of God.”

The man turned the machine back on and let it run for nearly five minutes. Brandon’s whole body ached. He couldn’t do anything. The man in the white coat told Brandon that he would be subjected to more shock therapy until he told them who he is. Then, he told the guards to walk him back to his cell.

Day 211

Brandon has been in solitary confinement for nearly seven months. He hasn’t seen his wife and son. He never got to make a phone call. And, he hasn’t been formally charged with anything that he is aware of. He’s skinny and shakes. When he talks, you can barely hear him.

His day consists of waking up, sitting or laying alone until the guards come for his daily torture sessions, eating dinner, then sitting or laying alone until it’s time to go to sleep. They consider the guards torture session to be his hour out of his cell.

When Brandon thinks, he worries that his wife and son are alright. And, that they are being left alone. But, he really wonders why the people he voted into office don’t help him. He went to Washington on January 6th to support his President and stand by his representatives. Why won’t they stand by me now?

But, Brandon would continue to be who he said he is until they kill him. And, that was the most likely outcome.

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