The Future of Presidential Debates

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Considering the abysmal failure of the recent ABC and CBS president and vice president debates, I believe the future of presidential debates will be different or non-existent. The debates have become about the moderators instead of the candidates. And, the one way bias is inexcusable.


Debates are going to be a dinosaur soon

Unless serious changes are made to the debates, they will be eliminated altogether. The Republican candidates simply won’t participate. If you keep kicking a dog, it will eventually leave. It used to be the case that the debates were the only way to get in front of a national audience. But, now you can get in front of a national audience through podcasts and other non-mainstream media.

If I was running for office as a Republican, there is no way I would participate in a debate on any of the mainstream media channels. I would take questions from Americans on podcasts instead. The mainstream media channels have destroyed the longstanding tradition of political debates. They can suck for air.

Keep, But With Changes

Hypothetically speaking, if political debates are to continue, serious changes are needed. Here are the changes I propose:

  • Debates are ALWAYS in a neutral location.
  • Moderators cannot be a mainstream media personality.
  • There are always two moderators. One is a conservative and one is a liberal.
  • Fact checking of either candidate is absolutely prohibited during the debate.

In other words, debates return to what they used to be when I was growing up.


Presidential debates are a great way to learn more about a candidate’s positions. And, you get to see how the candidate thinks on her/his feet. But, the mainstream media has turned debates into a one-sided attack on the conservative candidate. As I said, they have ruined presidential debates. Do you think they will take responsibility for ruining them? No way. They are proud of the way they handled the debates this cycle. If they don’t change their ways, I would never participate in a debate again as a conservative. Let them suck for air.

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