The Fear of Freedom

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If you think about history, the fear of freedom has been the root cause of the fall of empires. The leaders of the empires want to retain their power and control. But, the people yearn for freedom. And, in almost every instance, the people win and the empires crumble.

I’m serving notice to the global elites and the evil Biden administration. Your fear of freedom will end up having the same ending. You should rethink your strategy. And, don’t poke the bear.

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was the start of the fight for freedom

I think it’s important to start here because this was the beginning of freedom in America. The colonists dumped tea into the Boston harbor to demonstrate against Britain’s excess taxes. The colonists were being taxed by Britain, but they had no representation in the government.

The King of England was scared that the colonists wanted freedom. And, this led to the Revolutionary War. We know how that turned out. People get passionate about their freedom. And, that passion leads to bad consequences for the party that tries to take their freedom.


Many of you likely know this story. Britain controlled Scotland and did nasty things to them. Then, a man named William Wallace led Scotland in several brutal wars against Britain. Ultimately, Scotland won their freedom from Britain.

The King of England was scared that the Scots wanted freedom. So, he fought to retain control while the Scots fought passionately for their freedom. Passion can be a very motivating force. Especially when a person is pushed too far.


In the Civil War, the Union fought to stop slavery while the Confederates fought to keep slavery. In other words, the Union fought for freedom and the Confederates fought against freedom. Once again, freedom won out over control.

The Confederates were afraid of the slaves having freedom. They wanted to keep the slaves in bondage. But, that didn’t happen.


The Democrats and Biden should read their history books. They are on a mission to do away with our freedoms. They are fearful of freedom, so they are taking every precaution to shield themselves. But, it will only get them so far.

What are they doing? They want to kill free speech so people can’t talk to each other. And, they want to scare everyone by throwing dissenters in a political prison. They want to take our food and our ability to travel to see each other. The Democrats want to isolate us. They want us to lose our means of income. And, so much more.

But, this will fail. They will push too far, and history will repeat itself. The fear of freedom isn’t as strong as the preservation of freedom. And, freedom will win again.

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