The End of the Republicans

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If you haven’t read “If Trump Doesn’t Win in 2024, He Won’t Just be the Last Republican President Ever. He’ll be the Last Republican – PERIOD.” by Wayne Allyn Root, then you better click on the link and read it. Root does an excellent job of portraying the end of the Republicans if they continue down the trail they’re on.

The Steal

election fraud

I can guarantee with one hundred percent certainty that the Democrats will do everything possible to cheat in and steal the 2024 presidential election. For heaven’s sake, they are already started by trying to keep Trump from running. If the Democrats can steal just one more election, they will rule the country forever. And, the Republicans will cease to exist any longer.

The Pawns

The Republicans are the pawns in this game. They’re downright useless. When the Democrats steal another election, they will have only themselves to blame for the destruction of the Republican party. Oddly, I think a lot of the Republicans are so compromised that they don’t care.

Thanks to the spineless Republicans, our government will become a monarchy. They may think that they will be part of the ruling class, but they are sadly mistaken. And, it will be too late.

The End

After the final steal, the Republican party will come to an end. Based on what the Democrats are getting away with now, they will up the ante a thousand fold and arrest Republicans at will. That will include those in the House and Senate. Hitler’s Germany will look like a tea party in comparison.

The Plan

First of all, the Republicans need to stop stabbing each other in the back. All of them need to stand behind President Trump, whether they like him or not. This isn’t about liking someone. This is about preserving the hope of millions of Americans.

Second, the Republicans need to find out how the Democrats plan to cheat and stop it. Or, they need to cheat themselves. The Democrats must not win. Period.


Thank you Wayne Allyn Root for your well written and insightful article. I hope every Republican reads it because it paints the picture we are all in. When I look at where we are about three years into Biden’s term, I can’t begin to imagine where we would be if Biden wins another term. But, Root’s article portends where we’ll be. The Democrats will have taken over the country while the Republicans will become their slaves. And, there will be no reparations!

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