The Electric Car Effect

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I think the push for electric cars has much more to do with sociology than the environment. California is outlawing all gas powered cars by 2035. And, I’m sure more states will follow. I think there is a much more sinister plan though. I call it the electric car effect.


The electric car effect will harm rural and suburban Americans

What is one of the biggest things the Democrats despise? The answer is everyone in suburban and rural America. They own the crime-filled big cities, but they can’t control the citizens that don’t live in those cities. In fact, many of those suburban and rural citizens lean conservative. If you remember Joe Biden’s infamous speech in Philadelphia, he considers most of these people threats to democracy and domestic terrorists.

So, how do you control these people? You take away their ability to travel. I believe the plan is to price electric cars extremely high so only the rich can afford them. Then, offer electric buses for suburban commuters. And finally, outlaw all gas powered cars. Many people in suburban and rural America will then be detached from others. Thus, the Democrats win control of these folks.

Just Try

Just try to keep your gas powered car when they are outlawed. The Democrats will have an army of FBI agents ready to come knock down your door and arrest you. It will be like prohibition.


For many, the electric car effect will be a return to pre-car days in America. So, we will have gone from horses to cars and back to horses. It will be like going back to the 1800’s. Essentially, all of the progress since the invention of the car will be thrown out the window. Instead of going forward, we will go backward.

But, this is exactly what the goons at the World Economic Forum want. They want us non-elites to own nothing, be equal and be limited. They call this the New World Order. So, what better way to achieve their objectives than to isolate us and make it difficult to congregate.


The Democrats, led by their World Economic Forum leaders, are taking away our freedoms one by one. They attacked free speech. They’re going after gun rights. And, they tried to mandate what we put in our bodies. Cars are coming in the not too distant future. And, it’s going to be very unpleasant if we don’t do something about it now.

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