The Dismantling of the Democrats

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If you have been keeping up with recent news, you are seeing the dismantling of the Democrats. At least, the beginning of it. But, this needs to continue in the same vein up to and after the election in November. Please remember that when a wild animal is cornered, it will do whatever is necessary to escape.

Laken Riley

Biden and the Democrats got everything wrong on this heartbreaking situation. First, they ignored it. Then, Biden mispronounced her name at the State of the Union address. Finally, the Democrats were more concerned that Biden called the murderer an “illegal” which they believe is insensitive to the illegal alien.

Fani Willis

What goes around, comes around. Regardless of the outcome of Fani’s trial, she has been ridiculed on the world stage. She has been shown for what she really is. That is a crooked District Attorney with a vendetta against President Trump in cooperation with the Biden crime administration.

Letitia James

New York Attorney General Letitia James was deservedly and roundly booed at a New York event. She is so upset by it that she wants to round up the people that booed her and send them to re-education camps. That’s how spineless she is. She can play the big shot when it comes to trying to destroy Trump. But, she can’t handle when people boo her for trying to destroy Trump. Who created the problem Letitia?


I don’t believe polls. But, I believe when I see a video or an interview with a person speaking out. And, I have seen a lot of videos of people saying they have had enough and that they will vote for Trump. It includes African American people, young people and Latino people. A lot of the people didn’t like Trump before, but have come to realize that he is the best option to save America from the devastation of the Democrats.

January 6th

We know now that the pipe bombs were a plant/hoax. And, we know that the infamous January 6th Committee destroyed their data. We also know that Trump offered the National Guard and was refused by Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. The narrative is dead.

Electric Vehicles

The migration to electric vehicles is on ice now. The automobile manufacturers can’t sell them. And, the people don’t want them. So, now we have all these charging stations that will be sitting empty. There are some dumb people running these places with charging stations.

Pope Francis

The bishops in Africa rebuked Francis’ decree on gay marriage. And, he has come under severe scrutiny lately. So, Francis decided to be a pope again for a short while.

Classified Documents

Joe Biden had a treasure trove of classified documents in several locations. The independent counsel investigating this issue reported that Biden was not able to stand trial because he has dementia. So, this weakened the case against President Trump dramatically.


People are fed up with the Democrats. They overplayed their hand. And, now it is coming back to haunt them. The things that have been happening are destroying them. I could not be any happier.

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