The Democratic National Convention

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The Republican National Convention was the most memorable convention I remember in my lifetime. They nailed it on so many things, especially the relatives of the 13 soldiers that were killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal. You know. The 13 soldiers Biden forgot about and doesn’t care about. As I watched them dismantle Biden using family members, I started wondering what the Democratic National Convention will look like in August.


Maybe they will have 5 moms who aborted their babies talk about how President Trump would have stopped them from killing their baby and they would have to go through life as a mother. They can accuse Trump of taking away their “God-given” choice to kill a baby. This is the primary issue the Democrats care about.


the left uses gender to expand the LGBTQ community

Maybe they can have 5 kindergarten children who were told by their teachers they were the wrong gender. Of course, the parents should also be there as this is a coming out party because the parents don’t know about it. And, the teachers should also be present. Each child can talk about how Trump would take away their choice to be a different gender.

Then, they can have 5 athletes who are biological males compete against women in sporting contests. Since the biological males will win each time, they can talk about how Trump will stop them from breaking every women’s athletic record and injuring the weak women.

Next, they can have a drag queen story time with 5 drag queens reading a book about how Trump will take away their freedom to shake their private parts in the faces of five year old children. Of course, they can break out in a dance and shake away to the audience.

Finally, they can station biological males in the women’s restrooms for the entirety of the convention. Then, they can interview a few of the biological males and they can complain about how Trump will stop them from pretending to be women to satisfy their desire to see women going to the bathroom.


It wouldn’t be a Democratic event if we didn’t have a stage full of gay people parading nude. Of course, they will make sure the first few rows are all small children. As the future of the Democratic party, they need to learn what is important in America. Five nude gay people can complain about how Trump will make them wear clothes and behave properly in front of children.


Similar to the format of the Republican convention, the Democrats can have five illegal aliens tell their story about how they raped and killed racist white girls. They can tell everybody that they couldn’t have killed the girls if Trump was in office.

Then, they can have 5 drug dealers share their story about how rich they became selling fentanyl and killing Americans. They can brag about how the grocery supply chain failed while their supply chain thrived.

Finally, they can have 5 child sex traffickers tell about how Bidenomics is working for them because they are richer than they have ever been. For a soft touch, they can bring out one of the trafficked children to show everybody how well they are treated. Then, the traffickers can attack Trump because he would stop their business.

City Violence

To raise awareness of their success in Democrat-run cities, they can have 5 family members of people slain in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. The family members can share how they are so proud of the Democrats for getting them killed. Then, 5 thugs can tell how they were freed without parole giving them the perfect opportunity to kill again.

For Fun

I have two clever ideas how they can add some fun to a depressing convention. First, they can put Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky in a clear tube with wind blowing. Then, an American tax payer can walk up a ladder and pour a billion dollars into the tube. Zelensky will be given 60 seconds to pocket as many of the $100 bills as he can.

Second, they can have a dunk tank. Adam Schiff can put on a Putin costume and sit in the tank. Then, the convention attendees can dunk Putin. They better watch out though because Senator Lindsey Graham might bull his way to the front of the line.


This would put the Democratic National Convention on par with the Republican National Convention. It’s nice when you can play to your strengths. I’m sorry. The Democrats don’t have one talking point to improve America. All they have is evil and hatred. So, that’s what they will display.

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