The Darkness Is Here

2023-04-24 | 05:22h
2023-04-24 | 05:08h
The Darkness Is Here

Published date April 23, 2023

Last modified date April 23, 2023

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This is no longer about Republican versus Democrat. And, it’s not about conservative versus liberal either. This is about good versus evil. The darkness is here. And, we need to recognize it and be prepared for the ultimate showdown. Satan has infiltrated our world and he has a lot of minions carrying out his plan.


Biden is a “meat suit” inhabited by a demon. His eyes are black. And, he can barely speak because he is being told what to say by the demon inside him. He walks around aimlessly because he doesn’t have a mind of his own. We all thought it was dementia, but now I see it differently. Biden was an easy target for the demon because he has no inner morals from 50 years of cheating and lying.

Now I get the 2020 presidential election too. While Trump was working his tail off, Biden sold his soul to the devil. He wanted to be president so bad that he was willing to do whatever he needed.

Merrick Garland

Just look at Attorney General Merrick Garland and you’ll notice that his eyes are black too. He does and does not do things that befuddle you. That’s because he is also infiltrated by a demon. He was another easy target for a demon. No human being could do the things that he does.

Gender Upheaval

Satan wants chaos. And everything we are seeing with transsexuals and drag queens is an attempt to cause chaos. Satan is going after our children trying to confuse them. If he’s successful, then they become easy targets for demonic possession. Children are easily influenced to begin with, so that’s why they are being targeted. This is not a social or biological issue. It’s a demonic issue.

Satan Clubs

After school Satan clubs are popping up everywhere in schools. This is another target of our children by Satan. The clubs are offered by the Satanic Temple. They advertise it as an alternative to Christian-based after school clubs. I’m not making this up. If this doesn’t open your eyes to what we’re facing, then nothing will. Now, Boston is going to host Satancon. Have you had enough yet?


There’s a lot of meat here. First, Satan wants abortion as open and easy as possible. Second, he wants the traditional Latin Mass shut down. And third, he wants people to stop attending mass. Let’s see how Satan is doing.

The demon inside Merrick Garland is arresting people who pray at abortion clinics. The Supreme Court just made a ruling allowing broad and easy access to the abortion pill. Satan takes particular joy when he gets humans to kill. He has enjoyed years and years of mother’s and father’s killing their babies. He loves it now even more because it has become almost normal.

Satan hates when Catholics pray in Latin. It drives him crazy. So, he has teamed up with the Catholic clergy all the way up to the pope to end the traditional Latin mass in Catholic churches. This is going to be a tough one for Satan because these traditional Catholics aren’t easily swayed. The demon inside Merrick Garland is sending out his minions to infiltrate Latin masses, so a showdown likely lies ahead.

Catholic mass attendance (outside of the Latin mass) has dropped considerably since the churches shut down during coronavirus. I have noticed a slight uptick recently. If people don’t attend mass regularly, they become easily influenced by Satan and his minions. This needs to be reversed and reversed now.

City Violence

If you want to talk about chaos, then look no further than our cities. Satan already owns our big cities. His minions are killing and destroying our cities. I have watched videos of hundreds of minions breaking into businesses and looting and destroying them. If you look at their faces, these are not humans. They are blank, emotionless faces. And, they run in gangs with other demons.

Fighting Back

Although Satan has a jump on us, we can fight back. First of all, we need to be brave. Remember that we have God on our side. Satan has NEVER beaten God. Second, do everything you can to make Satan angry. Go to Latin mass and pray against him. Say the “Prayer to St. Michael.” He doesn’t like that either. Evangelize to people what is going on and what we’re up against. Recruit people to join our fight.

Stand up to Biden and Garland. Do the opposite of what they say. Challenge them at every turn. Stay peaceful. God doesn’t want violence. Protect your children. Stay away from libraries. Home school your children to keep them away from Satan’s playgrounds. Finally, stay away from the cities. That’s a fight for another day.


The darkness is here. Satan has infiltrated the world and he is causing chaos. He has put his minions into the “meat suits” of a lot of world leaders. He is after our children and he is after us. Unfortunately, he has recruited quite a few people already. It’s scary, but only we can fight back. And, that fight needs to begin now.

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