The Cult of the Walking Dead

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As America is being transformed into a Communist regime, we have a very big problem. It is the cult of the walking dead. These are the people in America who have been brainwashed, by the government or by themselves, to accept whatever the government is doing to us without question. For example, if the government raises gas prices to $10 a gallon, it’s OK with the walking dead because they believe the government must have a good reason. This thinking is hurting any chance to hold the government in check, and I personally despise them for it.


Coronavirus terror

The cult of the walking dead bought everything we were told by our government as gospel when it came to coronavirus. They did ZERO research of their own, and only listened to what they were told by people who weren’t even doctors.

They should feel really dumb now that the government is quietly admitting they basically lied to us about everything. But they don’t feel dumb. They are still wearing masks, social distancing, quarantining and accusing unvaccinated people of being domestic terrorists. And, they still want to censor doctors and ignore the documented adverse reactions and deaths associated with the vaccine. This ignorance is beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime.


The cult of the walking dead honestly believe that our elections are fair and honest. Of course, this is what the government tells them. Again, the cult does NO research of their own. It’s just so much easier to have someone tell you what to believe.

Since the 2020 election during coronavirus, our elections have not been fair. Once a cheater gets a taste of success and knows they can get away with it, they find new ways to cheat. Just think about a computer hacker.

So, the walking dead look the other way. To them, we’re the crazy ones. If the Republicans ever win again, the Democrats will tell the walking dead that the Republicans cheated. And, they will be walking around repeating that mantra until the government tells them to think something different.

Deep State

The cult of the walking dead believes that the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the other deep state agencies are respected institutions that represent all Americans. This is what the government tells them. And, they do ZERO research about the corruption to learn the truth. They probably don’t even know that Americans have been jailed for over a year for doing almost nothing.

The cult likely knows about the raid on President Trump, but they have already been told what to think about it by the government.

Child Abuse

I’m going out on a limb here. I’ll bet many in the cult of the living dead have no idea about the sexualization of our four and five year old children. But, they are about to find out too late when their children go to school in the next few weeks.

That’s a sad characteristic of the cult of the living dead. Because they are brain dead, they are reactive instead of proactive. They don’t know a baseball is coming at them until it hits them in the head. If they were paying attention, they would see the person throwing the baseball, and they would be prepared to catch it or move.


There are certainly many more examples I can cite where the cult of the living dead accepts what the government tells them to think. The “junk” January 6th Committee comes to mind. My point here is simple. The cult needs to get a clear head and research things to understand them. They can’t continue to allow the government to tell them what to think. Especially if they are just lazy or uncaring. The cult is hurting a lot of other people.

Here is a very fitting quote from the late Jack Welsh, the former CEO of General Electric.

“Control your own destiny or someone else will.”

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