The Chicken or the Egg?

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What costs more? The chicken or the egg? Thanks to Joe Biden, the answer is both. The last time I went to the grocery store, I was blown away by the price of chicken and eggs. So, I decided to do a little research on it. And, the reasons are concerning.


Bill Gates might be one of the most evil men on the planet

There is a chicken shortage that began during the coronavirus pandemic. Apparently, the Omicron variant of coronavirus put fear into the workers because they worked close to each other. So, they closed shop. Because of this issue and supply chain shortages, chicken prices are up 10.5% in 2023. The price per pound of chicken wings is up $3 this year. And, Kentucky Fried Chicken has removed menu items and raised their prices dramatically.

But, there is yet another cause of the chicken shortage. There have been mysterious fires at chicken farms killing hundreds of thousands of chickens. I don’t remember chicken farm fires in the past. Yet, now we’re seeing a lot of them in the past year or so. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And, I’m not talking about the chicken farms Bill Gates.


There is a serious egg shortage and the price of eggs has increased by 60% in the last year. On a recent trip to the grocery store, a dozen eggs were about $4. At the delicatessen, 6 deviled eggs cost $8. That’s up $3 from about 6 months ago.

Why are eggs so expensive? For the same reasons chicken prices increased as mentioned above. But, also poultry farmers believe the feed they are giving the hens contains something new that is curbing egg production. A farmer that I saw interviewed said that she had some hens that haven’t laid eggs in nearly a year. Of course, there wouldn’t be a shortage without the so-called experts claiming that avian flu has taken the lives of 60 million chickens.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it seems very odd that all of these issues would crop up in the last year or two. Especially when we haven’t seen it much before. It stinks like Bill Gates and the environment crazies. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lit the match at the chicken farm. I’m mad about the prices. And, I’ll never understand why the Dead-ocrats never complain about the higher prices. I guess they have more money than me since they get handouts from the government.

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