The Boy in the Bunker

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Joe Biden

Have you ever seen a child do something bad, and then hide? Our president is doing just that. He caused a historical humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. I don’t believe there has ever been a more devastating situation, except for Hitler killing thousands of Jews. Biden knows he did something horrible, so he retreated to Delaware and hasn’t been heard from since. He is the boy in the bunker. But, how did he get there?

Conspiracy Theory #1

Biden has a serious health problem. And, more than just his senility. They told everyone he was at Camp David on vacation. But, we all know the photo of him on the conference call was a hoax because of the clocks. Then, they had to march him out for his little speech about coronavirus masks and an ABC interview. Then, he retreated to Delaware, and he hasn’t been seen since. Maybe he thinks he’s running for President again. Sitting in his basement/bunker worked then.

Conspiracy Theory #2

The government is actually being run by someone else or others. We’ve known this all along. But, this decision is serious because American lives are at risk or being lost. For the first time, Biden doesn’t like looking like a complete buffoon. But, he knows that this person or these people helped him cheat to win the election. So, he owes them. He decides to hide away to avoid answering questions or facing the American people.

Conspiracy Theory #3

The military and deep state set up Biden to fail. This one has teeth because we know what they are capable of doing. When the military and deep state turn on you, you are in serious trouble. Just ask President Trump. I’ll pull in a slice of conspiracy theory #2 here. Someone else or others are running the country. They are tired of Biden’s stupid decisions like critical race theory. And, they are especially tired of the country calling them stupid. So, they set up Biden to make a deranged decision that they know will destroy him.

Conspiracy Theory #4

Kamala Harris Nervous Laugh

The time has finally come to invoke the 25th Amendment. And, Kamala is lining up her ducks. If you noticed, we haven’t seen Kamala in quite some time too. That’s because she is talking to members of the Cabinet to get enough votes to invoke the 25th Amendment. Remember, Kamala hates Jill and Biden has done everything possible to make her look bad. Her approval rating is lower than her disapproval rating. If you know Kamala, she’s not cackling about this. She’s downright angry. I think he’s cooked.

Conspiracy Theory #5

China tricked Biden into a stupid move. They knew that Biden would mess this up. And, now America has lost credibility and respect around the globe. China likes that. They have an open door to take over Taiwan now. Because Joe is the weakest leader in American history and because China has him in their pocket. He and his son should have never got in bed with China. That’s like getting into bed with Satan.

Conspiracy Theory #6

Biden has surrounded himself with complete incompetents. This one has teeth too. Just look at the less than mediocre talent around him. General Milley and Lloyd Austin are total laughingstocks. Tony Blinken is a milquetoast. Merrick Garland is clueless. And, then he has a bunch of college fraternity boys who think they’re smarter than they really are. These losers couldn’t lead a dog to it’s water. But, at least they are woke.

Conspiracy Theory #7

As evidenced by his 47 years of public service, Biden is just that stupid.

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