The Biden Campaign Strategy

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Well, I keep reading about Democrats refusing to debate their opponents. I guess the Democrats have adopted the Biden campaign strategy. Stay out of sight and do nothing. It worked for Biden, Right? I personally think the Democrats know that cheating will be more difficult, so it’s a much safer strategy to hide. But, my warning to the American people is this. How will you know what you’re buying when you have no information about what you’re buying? This is caveat emptor (let the buyer beware).


The boxing legend Muhammad Ali used to employ a strategy in his matches called “Rope-a-Dope.” The essence of “Rope-a-Dope” was to stick both of his arms in front of his face so his opponent couldn’t land a punch to his face. Essentially, it was a defensive strategy. It definitely frustrated his opponents.

The Democrats are using the “Rope-a-Dope” strategy. They have to because they have no offensive strategy. The difference is that the Democrats aren’t even “putting their arms up.” They are just keeping their opponents from getting close to them.

And, I have to say this in this section. The Democrats are a bunch of “dopes.” So, this strategy fits them well.

Hide and Seek

Just like a small child, the Democrats are playing hide and seek. But, there is no “seek.” They are just hiding. It worked for Biden, so it’s become the strategy of all Democrats. Again, people hide when they don’t have anything good to say or when they don’t want to say or do something wrong. It’s cowardly.

I only hope that Americans catch on to this strategy. But, I have a feeling many of the Democrats don’t care or think it’s smart. We’ll see.

Hating America

The Democrats hate America and everything about it’s history. They know that feeling is a loser with most voters. So, the best thing is to keep those feelings out of the public eye. If you don’t say what you are going to do to destroy America and everything it stands for, then the voters will never know. And, you can do whatever you want if you win.

Shapiro and Fetterman

Doug Mastriano will be the next governor of Pennsylvania

The always incorrect polls show Josh Shapiro ahead of Doug Mastriano for Pennsylvania governor and John Fetterman ahead of Dr. Mehmet Oz for Pennsylvania senator. Because of these false polls, Shapiro and Fetterman refuse to debate until like a week before the election. I’m sure they think the early voting that has already started will be in their favor. And, they aren’t at all afraid of election day.

In my opinion, I think they know that they will have already cheated their way to victory before election day. So, they can say they accepted the debate, knowing that it doesn’t matter.

The bottom line is Shapiro and Fetterman have everything to lose and nothing to gain. They both represent the radical left and will bring inordinate harm to Pennsylvania. And, that will be on display in any debate.


The Democrat cowards are hiding. They don’t want to be associated with Biden and they don’t have anything positive to say. The American people need to see this for what it is. If they don’t want to talk, then they are up to no good. That’s not going to have a good result.

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