That Deaf, Dumb and Blind Girl

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The classic rock group named The Who wrote a song titled the “Pinball Wizard.” In the lyrics, they refer to a pinball player as deaf, dumb and blind. When I listened to the song today, only one thing crossed my mind. This is an ode to Kamala Harris. She is that deaf, dumb and blind girl. She doesn’t listen. Kamala isn’t intelligent. And, she can’t see the damage done by her failures.


Yes. Kamala is figuratively deaf. Apparently, she lost over 90% of her staff as vice president because she wouldn’t listen to them. She never listens to the American people. Or, she wouldn’t do the things she has done to hurt them.

Kamala doesn’t listen because she thinks she is better than you. And, that leads her to talk down to you. There is absolutely nothing genuine about her. She was raised by a couple of uppity Marxist parents in wealthy areas. And, she has never earned anything in her life. She was even handed the candidacy of democrat presidential nominee with not a single vote or debate.


As I just mentioned, Kamala has not earned any position in her career. That is because she is literally dumb. But, she knew who to have an affair with. When you are incapable of earning anything because you don’t have the intelligence, you have to find other ways.

I challenge you to listen to her speak. Although she can speak, it is at about a sixth grade level. And, when she has to respond to a challenging question, she is unable to think on her feet because she lacks the knowledge.

Kamala is very good at lying. But, it is also easy to read when you watch her. When she starts a response by saying “Let me be perfectly clear,” a whopper is coming. She also gets a look of disdain like “why are you even asking me this? You should already know this.” And, she loses eye contact by looking down to try and figure out what to say.


Finally, Kamala is figuratively blind. For nearly four years, she admits that she didn’t notice that Biden was mentally incapacitated. That’s because the little blind mouse didn’t want to have any responsibility. She was too busy being an invisible vice president attending functions and playing important. Kamala drank her wine and made sure she didn’t have to see anything that was happening in the country.

She also was blind to the events at the border. Now, she claims she will be a border hawk, but she never even noticed what was happening for almost four years. To be honest, she could open her blind eyes to the border right now, but she prefers to remain blind.


That deaf, dumb and blind girl has been chosen by the democrat apparatus to be their candidate in the upcoming election. Judging by her actions and body language, I don’t think she really wants to do it. I feel like she is a throw away candidate. I think the Democrats are giving her a turn figuring she might win, but if she doesn’t, she is out of the way for future elections. Actually, I don’t think the Democrats like her either. She is the epitome of the democrat elite. If she wins, it will be four years of deaf, dumb and blind.

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