Ten Angry Rants About Our Country

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I don’t know about you, but I have had enough of politics. Both political parties disgust me. The Democrats are turning the greatest country in the world into a hellhole. And, the Republicans are the most timid little puppies I have ever seen in my life. That being said, here are my ten angry rants about our country.


Illegals are crossing our southern border at an alarming rate

Since the end of Title 42 on May 11th, the border crisis has turned into an unmitigated disaster. Biden and Mayorkas are both guilty of crimes against humanity. The Republicans are tweeting about how the Biden administration’s policies are causing such a problem. But, I agree (and I always do) with actor James Woods who responded to a Kevin McCarthy tweet about Biden, telling him to “Impeach him or shut up. Just stop talking, for the love of God, and DO SOMETHING.” Agreed. And, I feel the same way about a lot of other Republican nonsense.


Enough with the Republican subpoenas being ignored. If they refuse to appear, have them arrested in an airport, a restaurant, a little league game or anywhere. That’s what they did to Bannon and others. All that I read about is Democrats ignoring subpoenas and I never read about the Republicans doing anything about it. What a joke!

January 6th Video

Kevin McCarthy promised to release all of the January 6th video over a month ago. So far, we haven’t seen anything. People’s lives are at stake. This could exonerate some people that are already rotting in jail. I guess the honeymoon is over with McCarthy as Speaker of the House. He’s back to his old ways.

James Comer

Congressman James Comer promised us a bombshell last Wednesday regarding the Biden crime family. Of course, what we got was a firecracker. And, to top things off, the Democrats stole his thunder by arresting George Santos on the same day. The moral of the story is you don’t announce your news conference days in advance giving your enemy time to prepare. The element of surprise is the best attack. Common sense. Duh?

Biden Voters

Each and every Biden voter has aided and abetted the Democrats conversion of our country to socialism. You are all responsible for high gas prices, high food prices and inflation in general. All of you are responsible for my son not being able to buy a house. You are responsible for our military becoming woke warriors. And, you are responsible for our taxes funding a war that we don’t need to be involved in. In other words, you are responsible for the state of our country. And, I hope you end up in an internment camp all alone when the worst hits. It won’t matter which side you are on.


I’m not transphobic. I’m sane. Can we please get these people the mental health they need? Let’s spend some of those Ukraine dollars on mental health help for these people. Now, we are seeing violence from the transsexual crowd. Maybe, we should take their guns my Democrat friends. However, I don’t think the liberal goal is to help them. I think it’s to use them. Just like they do to black people.


I really liked Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) in the past, but she is “all talk, no action” now. Honestly, I think she is auditioning to be Trump’s vice president. Why not? If Kamala Harris can be vice president, then anyone can. She just does nothing for me anymore. Deliver something and maybe I’ll reconsider.


Only in America can someone as dumb as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) get voted into Congress. It’s not just that she is dumb, she has this knack of making some bold proclamation, then hiding from it when she gets called out. Case in point was when she ran from Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tik Tok) when confronted by her. This is AOC’s modus operandi when the heat is on. Spout something about racism/transphobia and run as fast as you can.

Pride Month

I have had it with Pride Month. We might as well get ready for emails from food delivery services telling us that we can order food from a gay chef. And, get ready for the stupid parades with insane people wearing almost no clothes and acting like complete idiots. This is not a celebration of a chosen way of life, it’s a month of putting a chosen way of life in our faces and rubbing it around. This needs to end as soon as possible. It has worn out it’s welcome (even though it was never welcome to begin with).


Remember that big infrastructure bill? I wonder where that money went. When I drive down the road, it is full of potholes and bumps. It’s like riding on a washboard. I have barely seen any road construction. Maybe Secretary Buttigieg is spending the money to make our roads less racist. He probably doesn’t like the white passing lines on the highway. After all the talk, this resulted in nothing.

Debt Ceiling (Bonus)

If the Democrats and Republicans vote to increase the debt ceiling, our country will never come out of the hole we’re in. They might not care, but I do. They will please their masters at the World Economic Forum if they do it.

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