Taking Away My Vote

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The midterm election is a little more than a week away. And, of course, my home state of Pennsylvania has notified the world that they won’t have the votes tallied until at least three days after election day. In other words, here we go again. Dr. Oz will be leading by 3 trillion votes. The counting will stop so those sleepy vote counters can go to bed. Then, the sleepy vote counters will wake up around 3am. And Fetterman will get 3 trillion and one votes. I’m sick of them taking away my vote.


Is this issue caused by Democrats? You bet! They have mastered the art of the steal. My home state of Pennsylvania has a Democrat administration that oversee the elections. They know that the strategy I referred to above worked in the 2020 presidential election. And, they know that nobody did anything to fix it for the midterm election. So, they can simply do it again.

Almost a quarter of a million ballots were mailed to Pennsylvania voters without verifying their identity. This was done by the Democrat responsible for election administration. If even one of those ballots are fraudulently mailed in with votes for Democrats, that nullifies my vote. Therefore, my vote WILL be nullified.


Is this issue caused by the Republicans? You bet! The Republicans have had two years to preserve the integrity of my vote. But, they have spent two years whining that there’s nothing they can do because they “don’t have the power” to make changes. And worse, they have spent two years avoiding the issue and pretending that the 2020 presidential election was fair.

I’m not sure what’s worse. Flagrantly cheating in an election or pretending that cheating didn’t happen. I don’t remember a more cowardly bunch of Republicans as we have in Washington, D.C. right now. Every so often, a Republican will show a little fight. But, for the most part, they walk around like scared rabbits. Heaven forbid they actually fight for something important to me. Like my vote. Why don’t they understand that if my vote doesn’t count, then they don’t win elections?

The Old Way

election fraud

For my entire lifetime, votes were counted the day of the election and you knew who won the night of the election. There is no other reason that has changed except to cheat. They moan and groan that they have to count all of these mail in ballots and they can’t start counting them until election day. You have my authorization to use my tax dollars to hire additional people to get them counted on election day.

But, I’m sure you won’t take me up on that. Because I’m sure there is another more devious motive. If you are going to do these absolutely stupid mail in ballots, then you are responsible for managing that process so that the votes are counted on election day. Ah, who am I preaching to? It has nothing to do with the process and everything to do with the steal.


Just like the state of Pennsylvania is announcing that the vote counting will take days, I’m announcing that the cheat is on again. We’re going to need every single vote to overcome the cheating, so every living, breathing Republican needs to vote. That’s the only way we can protect each other’s vote.

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