Sorry! The Slap Was Fake

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I’m sure everybody has heard about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards this past Sunday. Please don’t fall for it. Sorry! The slap was a fake.

They’re Actors

It's easy to fake a slap to the face

Please remember that they’re actors. And, actors know how to act. It was staged to get people to pay attention to the show because essentially no one watches anymore. If Will Smith had actually slapped or punched Chris Rock as hard as it looked, Rock would have been on the floor.

Unfortunately, it worked and everybody was looking for the video on Monday. Worse than that, it backfired on Will Smith. His career will now take a hit because he has been painted as the bad guy. Maybe the Academy paid him well. At least, they gave him an award.

Free Publicity

Chris Rock sold more show tickets on Monday than in the past month. Did the stunt work? You know what they say. Any publicity is good whether it is good or bad. This is a prime example of that statement. Smith is the evil villain and Rock is the innocent victim. For me, I’m not falling for it.

The Sad Truth

The sad, pathetic truth is that this is what the Academy has stooped to. Instead of stopping the woke garbage and the hate of America, they choose to stage a stunt. I have news for you Hollywood, your audience has diminished and very few people care anymore. You don’t represent the majority of the country anymore. Actually the majority of the country resents you and hates you.

Maybe I can slap one of you. For real!

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