Sorry. No Do-overs Brandon.

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you did something you regret and then you think you wish you could have a do-over? For example, you call someone a hurtful name in a fit of rage. Then later in the day you think you shouldn’t have done that and you wish you could do it over and fix it. I think the speech Biden gave yesterday falls into this category. But sorry. No do-overs Brandon.

September 1st

September 1st will now be added to those remembered dates in our nation. This is the date that our illegitimate president publicly declared war on any American who disagrees with him. Rather than unify people and offer solutions for the betterment of America, Biden declared that MAGA Trump supporters are the biggest threat to democracy.

On September 2nd, Biden attempted to backtrack his comments. But sorry. No do-overs Brandon. The damage is done. Not only did you lose any hope of a MAGA supporter voting for you in the future, you lost a lot of Democrats and Independents too. Nobody likes a bully. And, nobody likes a dictator making threats. Despite what Biden might think, Republicans and Democrats co-exist in families and friendships. This was the biggest miscalculation in presidential history.

Intent and Consequences

Biden achieved his intent in this speech. His intent was to intimidate and degrade every Trump supporter. And, his hope was that it would tempt some dumb Trump supporters to respond with violence. Instead, his delivery was actually violent toward half of the country he is supposed to protect.

We have a person acting like he is the president, but not acting like a president. This is a first in my lifetime where a president only cares about his own party, and treats everyone else like criminals.

He will be very sorry about this. But sorry. No do-overs Brandon.


Let’s say the CEO of my company delivers a speech and says that half of the employees are a threat to the company’s success. And, she singles out those employees as the ABC group so they know who they are. If you are part of the ABC group, how secure do you feel about your job? Do you think non-ABC employees will respect you?

The bottom line is that the CEO just drove a wedge between the ABC group and the non-ABC group. The CEO also told the ABC group that they aren’t as good as the non-ABC group. The ABC group is going to have less respect for the CEO. And, some non-ABC group employees will also lose respect for the CEO.

The end result is that company performance will deteriorate and the CEO will very likely be fired.


Biden has created a lot of disasters. But, this speech is the apex of disasters. He very likely killed any Democrat momentum for the 2022 midterms. And, he awakened slumbering Republicans. A president takes an oath of office to serve and protect every American. Other than Obama and now Biden, every president in our history has upheld this oath. President Trump said it best. If you don’t want to be the president for everyone, then you shouldn’t be the president.

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