Sometimes I’m In Disbelief

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People can disappoint me. They twist and turn everything regardless if it is right. And, the actions of leaders leave me speechless. Sometimes I’m in disbelief of the things I watch or read. The Earth is spinning in the wrong direction or something. Or, maybe the leaders and George Soros are acting crazy to scare us. Regardless, there is some crazy stuff going down.

Piss Christ

This one left my jaw on the ground. The Pope held an event for artists at the Vatican. One of the guest artists was a man who dipped a cross with Jesus in his own pee. He named it the “Piss Christ.” The Pope was bored to tears greeting the artists until this artist appeared. Then, he perked up and gave him two thumbs up.

The Pope is such a hoax. He doesn’t even try to hide it. He does things like this all the time. And, he does it right in our face. The Pope needs to be impeached, or whatever they call it in the Catholic church. Maybe he needs an exorcism. Or, maybe he can get sick and die. He just needs to go.

Sound of Freedom

Jim Caviezel is the most genuine entertainer in Hollywood

I saw “Sound of Freedom” on it’s opening day. It portrayed one of the worst things imaginable. That is child sex trafficking. The reality of it slapped me right in the face. This should be seen by everybody. I don’t care if you are a man, a woman, a conservative, a liberal, a parent or a non-parent. Eyes need to be opened.

But, people want to politicize the film. The “baby killing” liberals are calling it a conspiracy theory. Some liberals are nitpicking details in the film to discredit it and anyone associated with it. So, basically the liberals don’t care that children are being trafficked before our very eyes. It’s much more important to them to attack anything they perceive as conservative. If you’re reading this, I hope you know how very sick that is.

Cocaine Bag

Kamala or Hunter? The entire world knows it’s one of the two. How stupid do they think we are? They may “never know” who dropped the bag at the White House. Give me a break. You have to pass through a security checkpoint and there are security cameras everywhere. The FBI can find a parent in “Peedunk” USA to harass, but they can’t find who dropped a bag of cocaine in a hundred people right under their noses. I’m insulted.

This reminds me of the Supreme Court leaker. Remember that. They still haven’t told us who it is, and the number of potential suspects isn’t that big.


My spell checker doesn’t even recognize this word. This is the sickest of the sick. A transsexual man pretends to feed a baby on his pretend breast. And, you are right. The baby isn’t getting anything and the baby is getting agitated. This is child abuse and pedophilia at the same time. It’s pedophilia because the guys are getting off on the sensation.

This kind of stuff really concerns me because now they are starting to sexualize babies before turning them into transsexuals and homosexuals. So, they abort as many babies as they can. Then, they abuse the babies that make it. And finally, they press them to question their gender. It’s unbelievable. Where is the outrage?


I outlined the rot in the Catholic church, the overlooking of a major social issue by the liberals, the rot in our government and the abuse of our children. These things happened in one week. And, it’s been happening just about every week. The liberals want us to get to the point where we don’t care anymore. But, we need to do just the opposite. Our voices need to be heard. And, we need to evangelize to others about these things. There is power in numbers. And there is more power in loud voices.

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