Some Republicans Did Something

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I have never been happier that I changed my party affiliation from Republican to Independent as I am today. I wrote about it in my first post on February 10, 2021. And I was totally right about my rationale. Based on the recent concessions of the Republicans to help Biden and the Democrats, I think we can fairly say that the Republicans are all in on socialism and The Great Reset. To play on a quote from Ilhan Omar, some Republicans did something. And none of it was in our best interest.


Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell already cost us the Senate majority in 2020 with his ridiculous stance on the coronavirus stimulus payments. Now Mitch is single-handedly selling every one of us out by making back room deals with the Democrats to raise the debt ceiling. He’s probably hurting us to get back at President Trump. But, look in the mirror Mitch. You earned all of the criticism President Trump has thrown at you. Also, grow up if that’s your problem.

But, there is another consideration at play. Good ole’ Mitch is married to a Chinese woman. Is it possible he’s in the pocket of the Chinese? I think it’s a very strong possibility based on the actions he’s taking. There was a day when China didn’t control our politicians. Dear Mitch, this isn’t going to end well for you.

The Republocrats

A Republocrat is different than a RINO. A RINO is still a Republican. A Republocrat is half Republican and half Democrat. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are Republocrats. When they get a chance to hurt us, they go full bore. Their respective states, Maine and Alaska, should be ashamed of them. I don’t even think I can blame their votes on China. I think it’s just stupidity.

The Clueless Nobodies

Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming shamelessly voted to raise the debt ceiling

These are the Senators who helped give Biden and his merry band of inept losers a lifeline on the debt ceiling. They’re clueless nobodies who want to see their name in lights for once. I’ll bet Wyoming isn’t happy with John Barrasso. How about a Cheney/Barrasso presidential ticket in 2024? Roy Blunt of Missouri and Rob Portman of Ohio don’t garner any respect anyway.

The remainder are interesting. Maybe they forgot what state they represent because they all come from bright red states. John Cornyn of Texas, Shelley Moore-Capito of West Virginia, Mike Rounds and John Thune of South Dakota, and Richard Shelby of Alabama turned their backs on their states. I don’t know what would drive these Senators to aid and abet the Democrats. Or maybe this is just stupidity too.


There needs to be consequences for these Senators. When your Senator betrays you, she/he must pay. That means voting them out which is coming soon. And it means discontinuing donations to them. Not only donations to their personal campaigns, but also donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC). I know the RNC supports a lot of good Republicans, but they also support these bad apples.

The RNC must find a way for donors to direct their payments to good candidates and keep your payments away from bad candidates. Otherwise their funding should dry up. It’s always about the money, so taking money away from these chumps will get their attention.

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