Some New Abortion Ideas

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Abortion is a serious issue and this post is in NO WAY meant to be funny. It is meant to point out how abortion is murder. And, hopefully if a pro-abortion person reads this, they’ll have a better understanding of the flaw in their thinking. That being said, here are some new abortion ideas for the pro-abortion crowd.


If you don’t like the color of the babies eyes after birth, smother the baby with a pillow.


If the baby has colic after birth and you can’t take it, shoot the baby.


If you don’t like the looks of the baby after birth, have the doctor “put it down” and throw the baby in the garbage.


If the baby appears to have any kind of disability after birth, drown the baby.


If the baby has a deformity after birth, stab the baby with a knife.


If changing diapers inconveniences your life after birth, get the biggest needle you can find and poke it into the baby over and over until it is dead.


If breastfeeding is inconvenient and you can’t afford formula after birth, poison the baby.

Just Don’t Want It

If you just don’t want the baby after birth, squeeze the baby to death and throw it in the garbage.


Joe Biden is responsible for the death of millions of babies

Well, I tried to think of every type of murder. I don’t mean to be graphic here. But, let’s call it what it is. Graphic! The difference is that when you abort a baby, you don’t have to look at what you’re doing. But, if you do the same thing after the baby is born, you have to look. And, you have to be held accountable.

Time doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you choose (important choice of word) to abort the baby at 6 months or you choose (important choice of word) to kill the baby after it is born, it has the same result. Why don’t people realize this? It isn’t rocket science.

I can only hope that one pro-abortion person reads this and wakes up. I’ll take them one by one. This is a common sense issue. Abortion is the same as murder, whether you can see it or not.

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