Silence of the Lambs

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Matthew Perna took his own life after government abuse

Wow! I watched this video of Diamond and Silk interviewing Geri Perna. Geri is the aunt of January 6th political prisoner Matthew Perna who tragically took his own life as a result of his treatment by our illegitimate government. The telling part of this interview is the silence of the lambs. That is the Republican party with the exception of about four true patriots.

Scared or Compromised?

Geri Perna reached out to many Republicans for help and received no responses. And, the result was that a young man felt like he had no other choice but to take his own life. He was abandoned by the people who are supposed to represent him in Congress.

It makes me wonder if the majority of Republicans are scared or compromised or both. I believe they are scared of losing votes, scared of being linked to January 6th by the stupid committee or Department of Justice, and scared of the radical Democrats in general. Possibly they are hiding something, and they are afraid of it coming out.

I wonder if the tables were turned. What if a Republican senator was charged with walking in and out of the Capital Building. And, she was charged with a bunch of made up charges. Then, she was thrown into jail and held without bail for over a year. So, she contacted Matthew Perna for help. Based on the description of him, he would help. There is no question.

Big Lamb

The big lamb is President Trump. And, this has been one big silent lamb. Matthew Perna and others were in Washington, D.C. on January 6th to support YOU. Unfortunately, some MAGA folks were led astray by the FBI, Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Those groups turned a peaceful demonstration into something completely different. And now innocent people like Matthew Perna are being mistreated. Worse than murderers and rapists.

I know it’s not realistic that President Trump can get these people released from prison. But, why isn’t he helping them get good attorneys and help pay their costs? Why isn’t he speaking out more forcefully about their treatment? They supported YOU. Why won’t YOU support them?


I absolutely don’t care what anybody else says. January 6th was a carefully orchestrated event by Nancy Pelosi, the Capital police, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the FBI. I wouldn’t be surprised if the CIA and the Republicans were also involved. The intent was to turn a peaceful protest into a riot.

Not one single person was arrested on January 6th. I find that odd. If I shot my neighbor tonight, I would be arrested tonight. Nobody was arrested because the Capital police were too busy coercing people to enter the building. Don’t let Liz Cheney kid you. President Trump offered National Guard troops, and he was turned down. That’s odd too.

The web was cast. People got caught in the web. And, the crooked Department of Justice is torturing political prisoners. The silence of the lambs is sickening.

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