Setting Up Gwen Berry

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Gwen Berry hates America

Gwen Berry is a track and field athlete who specializes in the hammer throw. This past Saturday, she competed at the United States Olympic track and field trials. She placed third, earning a trip to the Tokyo Olympics next month. When the top three winners took the podium, Gwen decided to turn her back on the American flag for the duration of the national anthem. When asked about it, she claimed that she was set up. Here are some of my ideas for setting up Gwen Berry.


Somalia is the poorest country in the world. I think Gwen should move there and represent them in the Tokyo Olympics. Then, she wouldn’t have to worry about everything she thinks is wrong in the United States. She can take Ilhan Omar with her since Omar is from Somalia, and she hates the United States just as much. In fact, they can room together in a little hut and share stories about how they hate America and it’s people.

No Olympics For You

Another option is to remove Gwen from the Olympic team. I’m sure there’s another athlete that was as good as her and loves America. I mean, she did come in third. This would send a very strong message to any other Olympic athletes that plan on disrespecting our country in Tokyo.

She shouldn’t get the honor of representing our nation at the games. If you hate the country you’re representing, then find another country to represent or don’t go. Being on the Olympic team is an honor, not a right. I don’t want an athlete competing for my country that hates my country.

Be Like Colin

Like Colin Kaepernick never played football again, Gwen could skip the Olympics and get a multi-million dollar sponsor deal with Nike. Nike is in bed with communist China, and I’m sure the CCP would love to have another (un)American athlete helping to sell the shoes they make in tiny sweat shops.

Gwen’s shoe could be bright red with the Chinese flag and have “Activist Athlete” written on it in black.

Woke Olympics

Gwen could also remain on the team, and the Olympics could go full “woke.” They can paint “Activist Athlete” on the track and field course. And, all of the American athletes can cover their numbers with “Activist Athlete.” Lebron James can walk with Gwen in the opening ceremonies, since he’s also in bed with the Chinese.

President Biden can award Gwen the medal of freedom. And, the military can invite her to teach courses on “white rage.” The Coca Cola company can offer a new limited edition can featuring Gwen with her back to the flag.

By the way, don’t be surprised if this comes true.

Political Prisoner

Let’s have the FBI arrest her and put her in solitary confinement in Washington, D.C. Then, we can do the same thing to any athlete or celebrity who disrespects our country. I forgot two things though. Only the Democrats do that to Republicans. And, there is no room in solitary confinement because it is filled with the grandfathers, grandmothers, Vietnam War veterans and non-violent Republicans from January 6.

I also forgot that the FBI works for the Democrats now. Oh well, send her to a Black Lives Matter riot with her friends then.

And, the Best Option

Gwen Berry should be on an isolated raft at sea

The Man Without a Country” is a short story by American writer Edward Everett Hale. It is the story of American Army lieutenant Philip Nolan, who renounces his country during a trial for treason, and is consequently sentenced to spend the rest of his days at sea without so much as a word of news about the United States.

Like Phillip Nolan, Gwen can spend the rest of her life in a small raft at sea. It would be perfect for her because the sea has no flag to disrespect and there is nobody to hate. You don’t ever have to hear about the United States again. You can live in peace with your hate. And, you can use your “Activist Athlete” shirt to shield the sun.

I think this is the best option for Gwen. It demonstrates real activism.


General Mark Milley is an embarrassment to the American military

Gwen Berry is living proof that many athletes are absolutely stupid. Unfortunately, she has a lot of company from our professional athlete community. Many American athletes don’t entertain us anymore. They insult us with their un-American protests and hatred of America. But, they certainly don’t complain about the millions of dollars they make. They seem to forget where those dollars come from.

I’m sure General Mark Milley is very concerned about Gwen’s “black rage.” Maybe it’s time to start advocating for Critical Reverse Race Theory (CRRT). That’s where black people are the oppressors and white people are the oppressed. That seems to be what our government and our athletes want.

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