Ronna McDonald Strikes Again

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Ronna McDonald let Republicans down again

Ronna McDonald strikes again. She led the Republican party to a disappointing result in the 2023 elections. For those keeping score, that is 0-4 since 2018. Yet, the Republicans keep Ronna McDonald in McDonaldland. She gets fat and lazy eating Big Macs and french fries while about 70 million Americans sit with their head in their hands wondering if the Republicans will ever win again.

The Money

Ronna McDonald doesn’t seem to be up to the job of Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). I don’t see a documented plan for allocating funds for campaigns. By her own words, she sees her job as that of a fund raiser. I think she is average at that aspect of her job. But once she has the money, she doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s willy-nilly. I’ll give this much to candidate A and nothing to candidate B.

The Organization

I recently volunteered to help a Republican candidate. It was eye opening. It was disorganized and the technology was horrible. There was no follow up until the last moment. For example, my spouse and I volunteered to walk door to door and we got our list of houses one week before the election. I also volunteered to be a poll greeter. I was actually told to dig for brochures in the garbage if I run out.

This a failure from the top of the organization down. I don’t blame the hard working people that were doing their best. I blame Ronna McDonald. These people deserve the resources they need to get better results. When I do a project in my house, it’s always easier and more successful when I have the right tools. How do you think incoming voters would feel about a candidate if I was wearing a supporting shirt and digging in the garbage can?

The Messaging

Ronna McDonald is quick to blame the messaging of losing candidates for their losses. But, isn’t it the job of the leader of the Republican party to provide guidelines so everyone is on the same page? For example, the Democrats tell every candidate to focus solely on abortion and nothing else. If everyone isn’t on the same page, you get a bunch of rogue messages. There is no cohesion and the voters get confused. That is Marketing 101.

Know Your Audience

One of the most critical elements of a successful marketing campaign is to know your audience. When President Trump was running for president, I used to get mail surveys asking what my priorities were. I haven’t seen one in a long time. If you don’t know what your audience wants, you will fail.

This is a problem for the current Republican party also. The people in office are completely out of touch with the voters. They never correspond with the voters. Then, they vote on things with total disregard for the voters. This happened recently when some Republicans voted against the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas is despised for allowing millions of illegal aliens into the United States. Short of Joe Biden, he is the most deserving cabinet member to be impeached.

Why have representatives if they don’t represent us?

The Cheating

I saved the most important for last. If Ronna McDonald doesn’t address the cheating that has become common in our elections, it won’t matter what she does. Unfortunately, she did nothing after the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Then, she did nothing when there were issues in Arizona in 2022. And, my spouse and I saw election machine cheating first-hand just a week ago.

I read almost every day about voting issues that are surfacing. These issues should have been addressed as soon as they occurred. I know Ronna is probably scared to death of being arrested for questioning prior election cheating, but a true leader fights for principles. Remember this. Nobody has ever asked the Democrats to provide proof that they didn’t cheat.


If Ronna McDonald was on “The Apprentice,” she would be one of the first people fired, if not the first. She has made no significant improvements that I’m aware of. She just keeps doing what she does with the same result. If you can’t do the job, hire a consultant or resign. But, therein lies the problem. Nobody holds her accountable and she won’t step down. It’s a problem that won’t go away.

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