Republicans Are Worse Than Democrats

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I’m sorry, but it’s true. Some of the Republicans are worse than Democrats. The Democrats vote in a block while they maintain a Senate majority. However, the Republicans will have the Senate majority in January. And how do the Republicans celebrate having the majority? Some of them are planning to derail the agenda and the mandate of the people.

Susan Collins

Susan Collins is a senator from Maine. I have absolutely no idea why she is a Republican. She votes with Democrats at least ninety percent of the time. Collins has been a thorn in the side of conservatives for years. She doesn’t exude intelligence and she looks like a liberal. I think Maine keeps voting her into office because they hate conservatives.

Lisa Murkowski

Murkowski is a senator from Alaska. Democrats rarely win in Alaska, so she put on her Republican gear to get elected as a Republican. This woman is not a Republican. She constantly votes with the Democrats. Murkowski also isn’t intelligent and looks like a liberal. She keeps winning elections because of that ranked choice voting in Alaska. Well, she is definitely a rank choice.

Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson is a representative from Louisiana and current Speaker of the House. He was a good representative, but he isn’t a good speaker. You know how some people just shouldn’t be promoted. It’s like a switch was turned off when he became speaker. Simply put, he became the lap dog of the Democrats. You can’t play nice in a den of thieves.

Dan Crenshaw

Dan Crenshaw is the new Adam Kinzinger

I don’t know what happened to Crenshaw. One day he woke up and decided he is liberal. He has done some pretty dumb things like yelling at a twelve year old girl. If I had to guess, I would say Crenshaw doesn’t like being a representative from Texas. He doesn’t have the political skills, so he feels inadequate. The problem with Crenshaw is that he gets angry when he is uncomfortable with a question or comment.

Final Word

I picked these four Republicans because they were top of mind. Believe me, there are many others. If the Republicans would vote as a bloc, they could get so much done. But, they are straddled with these people who feel like they have to vote with their heart. Very rarely does a Democrat vote against the Democrats. I believe that’s why Bob Casey and Susan Wild lost in Pennsylvania. All they did was vote with the Democrats constantly. There is still some more cleaning up to do with the Republicans.

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