Republicans Are All Talk

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I refuse to write about General Milley. He’s a disgrace to our country and there has been way to much talk and no action by Congress. As I thought about it the past couple days, it hit me that Republicans are all talk. That’s one of the reasons that I changed to Independent after the 2020 election. I even wrote about my decision in my very first post. I read today that the Republicans are busy trying to block a judicial candidate in the Senate. So, our top General commits a serious crime, and they’re focused on a judicial nominee. That’s every bit as bad as Milley’s crime.

Let me examine some potential reasons that our so-called Republican leaders talk and take no action.

Career Politicians

Most of the Republicans in Congress are career politicians. And, many of them are former attorneys. How does an attorney sleep? First, he lies on one side, then he lies on the other. So, they supposedly should understand the law, but they have no understanding of business, economics, healthcare, etc.

While the Democrats are united in everything, the Republicans are still pretending that they can work across the aisle. Especially for their old friend Joe (Biden). The result is that they are getting crushed on everything, our country is a complete mess and my life is being affected. They are playing old political games in a new political world. And, they are totally oblivious to it.

Leadership Void

Mitch McConnell

There is a void of real leadership in the Republican party. Mitch McConnell is no longer effective or relevant. A lot has happened over the last month including Afghanistan, coronavirus mandates and General Milley. He has done nothing. I haven’t seen one relevant action out of the Senate.

Kevin McCarthy has also done nothing. He talks a good game, but actions speak louder than words. He keeps saying things are going to happen when we get the house back in 2022. But, a true leader would figure out ways to do things now. If the election mess doesn’t get cleaned up, his 2022 promises are going up in smoke.

January 6th

Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the deep state, this has been hanging over the Republican’s heads for eight months. Rather than address it, the Republicans avoid it like the plague. Maybe Pelosi has something on them. Or, maybe they’re being threatened. Maybe the Republicans were equally frightened by the events. They should have done something to kill this political theater last January. Instead, they allowed the Democrats to continue to use this as fodder to attack every one of their constituents in the country.

Sheer Terror

Nancy Pelosi

Maybe they are totally fearful of Nancy Pelosi, the mainstream media, and big tech. And, maybe they shake in their boots because a company like Toyota stops campaign contributions to members of Congress who supported the election decertification. They don’t want anyone to say something bad about them. They don’t want to be censored. And, they certainly don’t want contributions take away.

President Trump doesn’t call it the swamp for nothing. I read a recent article about how new members of Congress get transformed into establishment robots within about a year. Just look at Dan Crenshaw. He was a rookie sensation before he started showing signs of the transformation. Now, he’s just another talker that does nothing.

Just Don’t Know

General Mark Milley is an embarrassment to the American military

Maybe the Republicans in Congress simply don’t know how to play the game. Or, maybe they’re overwhelmed by the actions of the Democrats, and they can’t keep up. If you have noticed, the Democrats do something outrageous about once a week. They drive the news cycle. For example, they screw up Afghanistan. Then, a week later, they make a veiled threat to mandate the coronavirus vaccine. Then a week later, they unload the Milley calls.

The coronavirus vaccine mandate takes Afghanistan out of the news. Then, the Milley calls trump the vaccine mandate. And, all the while, nobody is talking about the election or the 3.5 trillion disaster. Maybe the Republicans can’t keep up with this.

As a final note, no Republican in Congress is talking seriously about the election fraud. Either they are scared, or they want Trump to stay away, or they just don’t care about my vote. If this doesn’t get resolved, they are never going to win elections again. And, they’ll deserve it.

Trump Factor

Maybe they want to let the January 6th narrative continue to punish Trump supporters. I’ll bet there are quite a few Republicans in Congress, like Mitch McConnell, that want Trump and his supporters to go away. That way, they can continue the “good old boys network” that enjoy the prestige and perks, but don’t do anything. This sounds like a pretty good possibility.

I don’t think the Republicans in Congress like the “America First” movement. They want things to stay as they’ve always been. They don’t understand that the Republican party has been transformed into the party of patriots and workers. The Republican party is now the middle class, non-urban blacks, and Hispanics. Maybe the Republicans in Congress truly think they’re deplorables and want nothing to do with them.


I listened to Marjorie Taylor Greene on the War Room. Being a new representative recently, she talked about the Washington D.C. culture. She talked about how voting was done in the House of Representatives. There was no voter roll kept to know who voted a certain way on a bill. And, she said that they don’t want people to know how they vote. So, she successfully implemented a voter roll much to the chagrin of many Republicans.

That’s a leader. She has been working tirelessly to represent America while every other Republican sleepwalks. It’s going to take time, but we need to vote these Republicans out one by one. We can demand action, but I have little faith it will help. A leopard doesn’t change it’s spots. The best solution would be for these losers to wake up, learn the game and play to win.

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