Republican Kindness Is Exploited

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Most Republicans are faithful people. They practice what they learn in their religion. For the most part, they are genuinely nice people. Republican kindness is exploited by the Democrats. They know that most Republicans are unlikely to retaliate. And, they take advantage of guilt. That’s what the whole January 6th sham is about.

What other famous serpent would use such tactics? And, could these exploiters be the serpent’s minions?

January 6th

January 6th is the bellwether of exploiting the kindness of Republicans for evil intent. The Democrats have been using January 6th for almost two years now to take advantage of Republicans. First of all, the majority of people that have been arrested or intimidated did absolutely nothing illegal that day. And, because they are nice people, the Democrats try to guilt them into admitting things they shouldn’t.

The political prisoners are making the best of a horrible situation. They are unbelievably strong and brave. They pray and sing in the gulag. But, the Democrats don’t care if they pray and sing. It doesn’t affect them at all. In their game, those prisoners are domestic terrorists on display for the world to see.

Lastly, almost every Republican in Congress has been shamed into submission by the Democrats. They don’t say or do anything because they buy the Democrat narrative or they fear Democrat retaliation. In other words, the Democrats will make a public display of anybody who speaks out or tries to help. This is why they are out to destroy Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Going Crazy

Maxine Waters is a representative from California who has done nothing in 30 years of service

The Democrats use this tactic a lot. When they want something, they go absolutely crazy. Think about Maxine Waters telling people to confront and harass members of the Trump administration. Think about Chuck Schumer standing on the Supreme Court steps saying that a whirlwind is coming and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh better watch out.

These are intimidation tactics aimed at people who are Christian and good. But, the Democrats see these people as easy prey. If they can scare just one Republican, it is worth it to them.

The best way to keep a sane person off balance is to act crazy. The Democrats have this down to a science.


This is a Democrat favorite. They will say something that totally contradicts something they said in the past. Then, every sane person shakes their head and says to themselves that this is hypocritical. Then, the Democrat doubles down on the contradictory statement. And then, most faithful people look the other way and think they’re crazy.

This is a problem though. By ignoring the hypocrisy, it’s enabling the continued use of this tactic. And, this tactic is dangerous because a lot of people only remember what they hear most recently. The Democrats are doing this for the midterms right now. All of a sudden, they’re all for the police and they’re ending vaccine mandates in the military. And, much more.


I like that most Republicans are kind and faithful people. And, I despise that the Democrats prey on that. I don’t think it is a Republican weakness though. I think it’s a strength. When the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert, Jesus persevered and won the battle. We should use that example to overcome the Democrat evil that permeates America right now. We know who always wins.

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