President Trump’s Mistakes

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President Trump did more for our country than any president in my lifetime. But, everybody is human. Here is my list of President Trump’s mistakes.


Sure. His tweets were funny. And, sometimes they were vicious. But, a president doesn’t need to do this.

Bill Barr

As Attorney General, Barr’s claim to fame was collecting a big paycheck for doing nothing. And now, he has completely turned on Trump. That’s ingratitude to the nth degree. Trump should have seen this and picked someone he can trust.

Mike Pence

Boy did he have us all snowed. He’s the definition of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” I can see where Trump missed this one. But, pick somebody you know and trust for your Vice President. A certain woman from Arizona comes to mind. Back to Pence. His political career is over anyway.

Dr. Fauci

I believe the decision to let Fauci drive the coronavirus response cost Trump the 2020 election. And to top it off, he put “do nothing” Pence in charge of “operation Warp Speed.” This is like fielding the Washington Generals against the best NBA team.

Dr. Birx

She was Dr. Fauci’s sidekick, then she quit. She decided to badmouth Trump after leaving. Dr. Fauci never let her get a word in. Of course, she had nothing important to say anyway. Trump should have fired her as soon as he got in office. What a waste of our tax dollars.

General Milley

General Mark Milley is an embarrassment to the American military

What in the world was Trump thinking when he made Milley chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Milley usurped Trump’s authority time and again. His thanks for being named chairman was to attempt to overthrow Trump at the end of his term. He even called China about Trump. He’s not smart, he’s not a good military commander and he’s a thankless, sneaky worm. We’re in serious trouble if we ever get into a war.

Mike Pompeo

What a player Pompeo is. Trump gave him the Secretary of State position and he played along for a while. Then, when Trump was cheated out of the election, Pompeo turned on him. That seems to be a common thread here.

Christopher Wray

Maybe the worst of all of them. President Trump unleashed this idiot on all of MAGA. You have to screen these jokers.


There are more like Jeff Sessions. But, the ones I listed are the biggest mistakes. In fairness, Trump had no idea that Pence would turn on him like he did. I think this shows how rotten our government and our politicians are. Trump gave these people an opportunity, and they chose to stab him in the back. When he wins in 2024, he better be more selective in his appointments. There can be no more mistakes.

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