President Trump Wins Again

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As you may be aware from some of my recent posts, I have fallen off the Trump train. However, Trump’s ability to stave off the Democrats is nothing short of remarkable. Now, Biden has treasure troves of top secret documents in several locations including a garage. I don’t see any way that Trump’s bogus document storage issue moves ahead. President Trump wins again you foolish Democrats. Your traps are failing one after another.

Those Documents

President Trump had some documents in a safe in a home guarded 24 hours a day, 7days a week by the United States Secret Service. Biden has some top secret documents in a public office at a university, in his garage next to his beloved Corvette and in a closet. Which scenario is the biggest national security threat?

While they’re at this, they should go and find Obama’s hidden documents and George W. Bush’s hidden documents. I’m pretty sure they’re handing out Obama’s trove of documents on the streets of Chicago. And, I’m pretty sure “dubya” is painting on the backs of his trove of documents and selling them.


President Trump

I won’t assume that you are familiar with the Looney Tunes cartoon named the “Road Runner.” The gist of the cartoon is that a coyote (Wile E. Coyote) wants to catch a speedy road runner. So, the coyote sets one trap after another to catch the road runner. But, the coyote never catches the road runner, and often gets caught in his own trap to his demise.

President Trump is like the road runner and the Democrats are like the coyote. Just look at this document controversy. The Democrats try to trap Trump for having documents. Then Biden falls into their trap. The Democrats try to trap Trump for January 6th. And, the Democrats are about to fall into this trap face first when all of the video is released soon.

As the cartoon theme song says, “That coyote is really a crazy clown. When will he learn that he never can mow him down?” The Democrats are surely a bunch of crazy clowns. But, will they ever learn that they won’t get Trump? You can’t get someone who hasn’t done anything for you to get.


When in the world will the Democrats give up on trying to get Trump? It’s not working. In fact, with each failed attempt, they are making Trump stronger. America loves the underdog. And, they hate the bully. The Democrats reek of desperation with all of these attempts to badger Trump. Actually, they come across as having no confidence in themselves and their party. They know they can’t beat Trump in an election, so they try to destroy his reputation instead. And, it backfires every single time.

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