Prayer to Saint Michael

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Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel is associated with courage, protection, and divine intervention. He has four roles: leader of the army of God, angel of death, weigher of souls, and guardian of the church. Catholics have a special prayer to Saint Michael. So, let’s examine that prayer in the light of today’s world.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

If there is someone that can defend us as we battle the evil in the world today, it is Saint Michael. We need to constantly pray to Saint Michael. We are not in a battle in the literal sense of the word. But, we are in an ongoing confrontation with Satan and his demons. We can’t do it alone, so we must get help.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

This is a great line. The wickedness and snares of the Devil includes abortion, transsexualism, LGBTQ, pornography, false idols (devil worship), persecution, transhumanism, vaccine deaths, man-made pandemics and more. The Devil is wicked and uses his demons to perform his wicked acts. And, the Devil sets traps for all of us in hope that we can become another one of his demons.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

God is with us, and he will rebuke the Devil. We just need to humbly pray to God to protect us from the Devil.

and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

Saint Michael is the Prince of the heavenly hosts. We need to pray for his help to overcome evil.

by the power of God,

And, God has all the power. God will give Saint Michael all of the power he needs to beat the Devil and evil.

thrust into hell Satan,

Hell is exactly where Satan belongs. He does not belong in our world spreading evil. Saint Michael has the power of God to send Satan back to hell and leave us alone.

and all the evil spirits,

The evil spirits of today are the World Economic Forum, the far-left Democrats, Joe Biden, Pope Francis, the mainstream media, the deep state, pharmaceutical leaders, teachers pushing gender insanity, hospital administrators, drug dealers and more. All of these evil spirits must be thrust into hell with Satan. They are doing harm to God’s world.

who prowl about the world

And, this is exactly what the evil spirits do. They prowl about the world doing damage and luring people into evil.

seeking the ruin of souls.

Ultimately, this is the goal of Satan. He wants to ruin the souls of as many people as possible. To him, it is the best way to get back at God for his own plight. Unfortunately, Satan has been successful at this. Just look at the people who support abortion. It’s about fifty percent of America. Through the grace of God, the lost souls can be recovered. But, it won’t be easy. Satan’s grip is strong, but Saint Michael is stronger.


Saint Michael is the help we need in today’s insane world. The Devil has been busy acquiring souls and spreading evil. Saint Michael has his work cut out for him, but with the power of God, he has everything he needs to defeat Satan and recover the souls of the demons. I have complete faith in Saint Michael and God. They will overcome. Amen.

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