Please Wake Up America

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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about wearing masks and social distancing as a means to control the spread of Covid-19. I’m really sad and depressed about it. It’s been a year since we embarked on “15 days to flatten the curve.” And, guess what. Not a thing has changed since then. In fact, it has gotten worse. A majority of Americans, including a high proportion of terrified twenty-somethings, continue to abide by these mandates. And, many of them say they will continue wearing masks and social distancing even after the pandemic ends. Please wake up America. What has happened to us?

The Cult

As the fictional character, Sawyer, often says on the television show “Lost“, “What’s done is done.” Except for a few patriotic dissenters, we have shown our government that we can be manipulated into doing something totally against our freedom with minimal questions. I believe in my heart that wearing masks and social distancing will never end. Now that our government knows we will accept it, they will keep stringing us along. In other words, first it’ll be Covid-19, then some Covid-19 variant, then something else, and so on.

People have been brainwashed by Dr. Fauci and the liberals

People are brainwashed. It reminds me of a cult. Dr. Fauci, the Harris-Biden administration and the mainstream media push masks down our throats constantly. They use guilt as a weapon. They say you need to wear a mask to protect others instead of you. If you don’t wear a mask, you are killing your fellow Americans. You need to wear a mask so you don’t kill your grandmother.

They also use false motivation as a weapon. They say you’re a patriot if you wear a mask. If you wear your mask like you’re told, maybe you can get together with your family on Independence Day.

And, sadly, people are buying into this nonsense. Please break out of this spell America and get your own minds back already. Wake up!

Close to Home

Sadly, I see the effects of this brainwashing among my own family and friends. And, I don’t get it.

People are terrified of covid-19 because of the mainstream media

My family and friends are very smart and logical people. Some are even in the healthcare field. I think I’m smart and logical too. So, why am I so polar opposite than them on this? I have a problem with the government telling me what I can and cannot do. My freedom is so important to me, and I have the utmost confidence that I can make my own smart decisions. I never watch the mainstream media, so I’m not terrified of Covid-19.

Some family members and friends who I NEVER thought would buy into this are doing just that. It’s disappointing. But, just like I want them to respect my position, I respect their position. And, I don’t try to force my beliefs on them.

People Problem

This is not an issue with the government. This is an issue with the people. Why in the world do you want to wear a mask forever? After one year, have you forgotten what it’s like to live in a free country? Don’t you want to see people’s faces again? Will you never hug a family member or friend again?

People need to be brave about covid-19

People need to speak up and question things. People need to be brave. It’s okay to be concerned about infecting another, but you should also consider the emotional well-being of another person. Some elderly people have been sitting in their home for a year with minimal contact with their family. That sends a message to the elderly person that she/he should be terrified of Covid-19. It’s spreading the brainwashing and making things worse.


Our country needs to think about this a lot and pray. As people get vaccinated and we move towards herd immunity, we need to ditch these masks and get back to being the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we don’t do that, then this will be a permanent part of our lives. I don’t know why anybody would want to continue wearing a mask, but I know there are people out there who will do it.

Personally, I don’t want to continue to wear a mask forever. And, I want to hug someone. And, I want to spend a holiday with my family just like I used to before this manufactured hysteria. Please America. Join me.

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