Perpetual Crisis Mode

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Welcome to the new America. Thanks to the 81 million (haha) voters who voted for Biden, we now live in perpetual crisis mode. Coronavirus. The southern border. Afghanistan. Inflation. Supply chain. And now, Ukraine. After the Democrats cheat to victory in the midterms, we will have to endure two more years of this.

Trust is Gone

I have absolutely no trust in our government. I believe they are all liars and cheaters. Both Republicans and Democrats. They are all owned by foreign influence and special interests. So, none of them do anything for us. They do it to please their owners.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of my favorite representatives

In the past, I’ve written about how Biden is a puppet president who is told what to do. But, now my eyes are opened to the fact that all of the politicians are puppets. Except for the more recent politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz and Madison Cawthorn. They are major targets of both parties because they aren’t falling in line.

A young man came to my door asking me to sign a petition to add a Republican candidate to the ballot for Lieutenant Governor. I asked quite a few questions before I signed, including if she was an America First candidate. He said yes. Then, I asked him if she was an America First candidate that would become an America Last politician after she won. No response. But, I signed anyway.

The Edge is On

Our government and the evil World Economic Forum have a primary goal. They want to keep all of us on edge so we depend on the government for help. When we’re agitated, we look for help. And, we aren’t focused. The mainstream media helps out with this dramatically by trying to scare the hell out of us constantly.

The Department of Justice threatens us and the FBI knocks down our doors. Political prisoners from January 6th rot in prison while rapists walk free. Violence in our cities is at an all-time high.

It is all intended to keep us on edge and divide us. They want hatred and violence. In fact, they do everything that they can to stoke it.

But …

But, we can’t let them be successful. We need to be strong. We need to stop watching the news. If we don’t pay attention, we won’t get rattled. Let them make fools out of themselves trying. Avoid confrontations. Think for yourself. Pray, hope and don’t worry. But, be ready because when their plan doesn’t work, they will turn up the heat. And, we’ll be a step ahead of them.

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