People Who Are Going to Hell

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I won’t blame Satan for the actions of some people. Those people make their own decisions. Satan doesn’t make a person do something they don’t want to do. Hell is going to have a long line of people for the foreseeable future. Here is a list of people who are going to hell. Directly to hell. No purgatory.

Joe Biden

Biden has racked up more sins than anyone in history. That includes the worst serial killers ever. Here is a list of Biden’s sins:

  • Directly responsible for killing millions of babies.
  • Responsible for the abuse of thousands of children.
  • Directly responsible for mandating a vaccine that has killed millions of people.
  • Responsible for the deaths of millions of people due to fentanyl overdose.
  • Directly responsible for the Hamas attack on Israel killing thousands of Israelis by giving Iran six billion dollars to buy weapons.
  • Responsible for Taliban killings resulting from leaving billions of dollars of military equipment to them.
  • Directly responsible for January 6th political prisoners who committed suicide.
  • Taking bribes from foreign countries and laundering the money.

Dr. Fauci

Dr. Fauci has been killing people for decades. First, it was AIDS. Then, it was coronavirus. His department helped fund the Wuhan Institute’s gain of function research. Then, he helped cover up the fact that coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute. He cruelly misled people about masks and social distancing. And, he supported a cruel shutdown. Fauci and Biden are competing to see who can kill more people.

Nancy Pelosi

However, Satan might send her back because he can’t stand her either.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis is damaging the Catholic church

First, don’t tell me a pope can’t go to hell because he can. I wonder if Satan has a special place for popes. Francis will fit right in. His reign over the Catholic church has been hell. Francis has spit on every Catholic tradition and he never references Jesus Christ. He is an advocate for abortion and climate change. Francis shut down the churches during coronavirus and mandated a vaccine that was partially made from aborted fetuses. Rather than save souls, Francis has destroyed souls.

Bill Gates

All that money isn’t going to help Bill Gates in the fiery depths of hell. To begin, Gates was a regular guest on Epstein Island. And, don’t tell me he didn’t sleep with underage girls because I’m certain he did. Gates is also guilty of the murder and maiming of millions. He recklessly pushed vaccine programs although he isn’t a doctor. The truth is he is a nerd with a lot of money. Gates is all about depopulation, and he has done everything he can to make his dream come true. Burn baby burn!


There are plenty more, but these are the main people that won’t like their afterlife. They say that you can save your soul by confessing your sins and being truly contrite for what you have done. When you look at this list, these people are full of pride. It’s doubtful they will ever be contrite in their heart for what they have done. I’ll also point out that these people made millions of dollars cheating others. That money won’t help one bit. You reap what you sow. And they will be reaping ashes.

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