Pence is Worse Than Biden

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Mike Pence is worse than Biden. They have a lot of similar qualities like lying and lashing out. But, Pence has some additional faults that Biden doesn’t have. I hope Pence reads this because the truth is going to hit him square between the eyes.


As Vice President, Pence tricked all of us. Me included. In the end, it turned out that he is just another swamp politician who is a good speaker. I’ll admit that actually liked Pence when he was Vice President. Since then, I have listened to him and watched his actions. Now, I dislike him more than Biden. And I loathe Biden.


Mike Pence is the Benedict Arnold of our time. He was given a great opportunity by President Trump, and he betrayed Trump to appease the Washington and global elites. On January 6th, Pence could have given the states more time to address election results. In fact, Pennsylvania requested additional time prior to January 6th. He had every right to do this, but he is a spineless little coward.

Instead, MIKE PENCE is individually responsible for the state of our country today. And, we need to make him pay for that for the remainder of his life. So, not only did he betray Trump, he betrayed us too. And, I resent him for it. And, I always will. Your political career is OVER, so go back to wherever you came from.

Biden never betrayed Obama when he was Vice President. Democrats rarely stab each other in the back. But, Republicans stab each other in the back constantly.


I have posted several times about Biden’s anger issues. I believe a lot of it is related to his dementia. Pence has anger issues too. Just recently, Pence was being heckled by a crowd when he was asked about January 6th and the Constitution. Pence angrily responded to the person saying, “It’s in the Constitution. Read it!”

Pence doesn’t have dementia (as far as we know). But, you can tell from this exchange that he has doubts about his role on January 6th. That’s the only reason I can think of that would cause him to act this way. He had that stern look and his face was red. And, he lost his cool.


Mike Pence is worse than Joe Biden

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Biden has more personality than Pence. Biden bites babies and does that spooky whispering thing when he talks. In short, he is entertaining in that he keeps us laughing.

Pence walks around with that arrogant look on his face. He looks like a father who is ready to give his child a spanking. And, his demeanor never changes. Pence just looks lost and angry. They say that your outward appearance represents your inner soul. This man has no soul.


Mike Pence has absolutely no future in politics. He is one of the most hated politicians in the world. His only salvage is to apologize to America for single-handedly giving the Democrats control of our country so they can completely destroy it. But, I’m sure his pride won’t ever let him do that. He claims to be a Christian, so he should have the humility to apologize. That’s what God would want. But, he’s not really a Christian because he doesn’t do Christian things. It’s just a face. I hope you enjoy retirement Mike Pence!

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