Oh Baby Girl. Don’t Even Play.

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Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a break from pretending to be a representative to pretend to be a black girl. During a spat in the house with Marjorie Taylor Green, Cortez yelled “Oh girl. Oh baby girl. Don’t even play.” She’s lucky that Green didn’t hear her, because I’m sure Green was ready to play. I’m not quite sure what this phrase means, but let’s run with it.

Scenario #1

While playing Monopoly with a friend, Ocasio-Cortez lands on Boardwalk with a hotel. As her friend begins to tell he how much she owes, Ocasio-Cortez screams “Oh girl. Oh baby girl. Don’t even play.” Not understanding Ocasio-Cortez’s street talk, her friend packs up the game an leaves.

Scenario #2

As she crossed the street, Ocasio-Cortez came across three nuns. The nuns said “Bless you child” as they walked past Ocasio-Cortez. This irritated Ocasio-Cortez, so she doubled back toward the nuns and got in their faces. She screamed “Oh girl. Oh baby girl. Don’t even play.” The nuns looked at her in disbelief and said “We’re not playing. This is why you need our blessing child.”

Scenario #3

When a five year old girl who was transitioning to a boy approached Ocasio-Cortez for help, she was brushed aside. When she tried to get Ocasio-Cortez’s attention again, she was told to go play with the other kids. After a third attempt, Ocasio-Cortez yelled at her “Oh girl. Oh baby girl. Don’t even play.” The little girl ran crying to her mother because Ocasio-Cortez didn’t yell “Oh boy. Oh baby boy. Don’t even play.

Scenario #4

None of the “pretend” representatives like to play Bingo with Ocasio-Cortez at the Friday night representative Bingo night. On a particular night, everyone at her table had won at least one prize except her. As the people at her table started preparing their next card, Ocasio-Cortez realized that if they played, her odds of winning diminished. So, she screamed at them, “Oh girls. Oh baby girls. Don’t even play.” They ignored her just like they always do.

Scenario #5

Stormy Daniels finished her testimony and walked out of the courtroom. Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez was eating her lunch on the courtroom steps. Daniels accidentally tripped over little AOC. With her eyes covered with hard-boiled eggs and salad all over her, Ocasio-Cortez yelled to Daniels, “Oh girl. Oh baby girl. Don’t even play.” Then, Daniels looked at her menacingly and said “I’ll play. So, shut up baby idiot.”


Don’t mess with Ocasio-Cortez. You don’t want these knives coming out. I can’t believe this moron is in Congress. New York City is a cesspool.

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