Now We Know Who’s In Charge

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Thank you Jen Psaki. We’ve been wondering and guessing for a year who is actually running the country. Now we know who’s in charge. When asked on “The View” about her potential resignation, communication expert Psaki said “I love working for President Oba … President Biden.”

The Cat is Out of the Bag

So, we are blessed (facetious) with Obama’s third term. It must be nice to call the shots and have no accountability. In fact, it’s sick. Now we know why Biden retreats to Delaware so often. He’s getting his directions from Obama. Somebody should check Obama’s travel schedule.

I have news for you Obama. You were a complete failure in your two terms, and you’re even more of a failure in your third term. Maybe you should let Joe do his own thing, because I actually believe he is smarter than you.

Using Poor Joe

The only thing Joe Biden can do right is eat ice cream

As a shadow president, Obama can do whatever he wants to do without care about approval ratings and accountability. He just lets Biden’s approval ratings plummet and he let’s Biden take the heat for all of his dumb decisions. The sad part is that poor Joe is letting it happen.

Biden finally won lost the election after running three times. You would think he would want to enjoy being president and try to do good. Instead, his former boss is stealing every minute of enjoyment away from Biden. And he has turned Biden into one of the most hated presidents of all time.

Obama doesn’t care. He’s a worm, and to take advantage of another person like this is the lowest of the lows. It shows you everything you need to know about Obama. And he’s using all of us in his third term to transform the country into something none of us will ever recognize.

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