Now, They Ruined the Olympics

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I watched one night of Olympics coverage. But, it was only because my daughter and her husband were visiting and wanted to watch it. To be honest, I was planning to watch more because I have always enjoyed the competition. Then, the next morning I learned about the opening ceremonies. And, today I watched a video of a biological male beating up a biological female in boxing. Now, they ruined the Olympics. And, I honestly think they don’t care.

Opening Ceremony

Remember when the opening ceremony for the Olympics showcased the athletes and had some celebrities singing their hits. And, they had a theme and dancers. But, it was G-rated. Those days are gone.

Now, we have political statements like John Lennon’s “Imagine” and insulting Christians worldwide. Whoever came up with the Last Supper debacle should be fired and stowed away in a cave somewhere for the rest of their life. I know they try to outdo each other with the opening ceremony, but this one outdid everybody. But, not in a good way.

The Olympics opening ceremony was totally insulting

Just imagine (John Lennon) a world where whores and transvestites pretend they are at the last supper. And, a blue guy popping out from a covered plate with his “boys” hanging out. How did they possibly think this would be entertaining? I would say that’s stupid to the tenth power.

What did they achieve? Millions, if not billions, of Christians tuned it out. You’ll see the viewership numbers. Who did you hurt? Christians of course. But, also the athletes. You know. The whole reason you have the Olympics. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Female Boxing

And then we come to “female” boxing. In 2024, a biological male can compete with biological females in athletic competition. So, some Algerian guy faced off against an Italian woman in boxing. To nobody’s surprise, the Algerian guy punched like a guy and hurt the Italian woman. Now, to be fair, the Italian woman displayed great courage and gave it everything she had. But, it wasn’t a fair fight.

Herein lies the problem though. What will it take to wake people up? A death? I don’t think that will even stop this nonsense. Women need to speak up. Too many of them, including the Italian fighter, dance around the issue because they are afraid of societal backlash. It’s the women whose sports are being denigrated by biological males. Yet, most of them remain quiet. If they allow it to continue, then they have to live with the results.


The Olympics need a reboot. It needs to be about the athletes. Period. And, they need to keep men in men’s sports and women in women’s sports. If a man who thinks he’s a female has a penis, then he competes with the men. Period. If they don’t take action, people will tune it out. Forever.

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